Seek Joyousness not Happiness
We read on LinkedIn about the pursuit of workplace happiness; we all want happiness. However, happiness denotes superficiality; it's temporary and can damage people. In work, as in life, people who pursue happiness invariably become unhappy. Happiness is like a drug; the effect is temporary. The Happiness junkie lives in the moment; whether it's sex or dinner, one experience leads to the anticipation of the next high. Such people can become unhappy, unfulfilled, and the reason is simple, it's about the experience. Such people would be wise in considering others and their place in the bigger picture; happiness junkies are the picture the feature attraction—they judge others and how others "make" add to their happiness.?
Happiness is shallow; it is experiential, emotional, and in the moment. The properly adjusted person who wishes to optimize their career must become the bridge from which joy is found. Happiness is anticipatory; joy is peace. To quoter Carlos Santana, "If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment." It takes constant effort in an inward experience.
If you are not happy at work, stop paying attention to yourself and pay attention to others. What they say and do, notice their positives, learn from them and see how each person can make life more joyous. I recall when I was?a franchise consultant "inspector," a wise boss told me something I always remembered. He said, even the worst restaurant has something good going on; build on the good you see." What is true of the restaurant is true of the individual. So be a seeker, pay attention to what they say and its consistency to what they do, help each person you meet optimize their strengths. In the end, the person who focuses too much attention on themselves will never be joyous.?