Seek the form of instruction that resonates with your being
Dennis Mercado
Deputy Manager (Structural Design Engineer) / Blogger / Writer / Helping to ignite the minds of aspiring and young structural engineers with a single spark, one blogpost at a time.
I used to abhor differential equations.
Not because of teachers or people in general. It’s just that I don’t really like the subject. So when I was prompted to confront it again a decade or so after graduation, I realized I needed to do something to conquer it or it’ll bury me alive instead.
So what I did was, in addition to textbooks, I scoured the internet for blogs that can explain in detail how a written two inch equation begets a solution as long as a back to back yellow paper.
The good news was, I finally understood differential equations. The funny thing though, was instead of the scholarly blogs that got me to understand the basic concepts of which, it’s the informal ones with all the jokes and all the strange segue that made the subject interesting and actually fun to learn.
And it’s then that I realized that there is no single source, no matter how academically or technically qualified, that can facilitate understanding for everyone, whether you’re trying to learn differential equations or digging philosophy.
You have to find that learning material, in whatever form that may be, that will resonate with you.
Somewhere sometime, some people are going to see the right light through your written/spoken words or actions that will enable them to use as a stepping stone until they eventually soar on their own.
So don’t withhold your wisdom thinking that it’s intellectually inferior or too simple or stupid. Because somewhere sometime, a soul will exclaim “thank God for this fella, I can finally understand!”