"Seek on earth what you have found in heaven."--George William Russell (1867-1935)

From the Russell apothegm posited above, allow there to be a syncretism to reach the Goldberg imagery posited below in your quotidian affairs. Only by seeking such a compromise may one transcend daily existence on lead the main human life possible. Viktor Frankl once said that by aiming higher to more lofty aspirations and goals one can achieve a respectable final outcome in one's ambitions. If I may paraphrase C. S. Lewis, he once postulated that if one aims at heaven, he or she will get earth included in the effort; whereas if the individual aims at earth, neither heaven nor earth will be realized.

Leah Goldberg (1911 – 1970)

With This Night

With this night and with all of its hush

with this night —

with three stars

that were lost ‘twixt the trees

with that wind.

With that wind

that stood still so it might hear

this night —

with this night

and three stars

and that wind.

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?im ha-láilah ha-zéh ve-?im-kól shtikotáv

?im ha-láilah ha-zéh —

?im shlosháh kokhavím

She-‘avdú bein ?eitzím

?im ha-rúa? ha-zót.

?im ha-rúa? ha-zót

She-?amdáh lehakshív

La-láilah ha-zéh —

?im ha-láilah ha-zéh

U-shlosháh kokhavím

Ve-ha-rúa? ha-zót.


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