Seeing the World Behind the Ink Strokes in Writing

By: Kezia Trisena

In the world of journalism, some people have more abilities than others, not only as reporters but also as storytellers. They have the uncanny ability to turn ink strokes on paper into vivid portraits of people, places and events. Those who repeatedly write, erase and repeat again until it becomes an invaluable work. They are talented people who pour emotions and events through a series of words that take the reader away and immerse in the writing but sometimes present facts as sharp as knives to their readers with a dedication to provide facts and not just talk. One such figure is Achmad Supardi, a man whose name resonates in the world of journalism and academia, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of words and ideas.


With his distinctive appearance - glasses perched on his nose, always neatly dressed, and exuding charisma - Achmad Supardi may not stand out in a crowd. However, it is not just his outward appearance that captivates those who cross his path; it is the depth of his character, the wealth of his experience, the sea of knowledge when he begins to speak and the passion he exudes for the world of media, communication and writing.


His Journey Begins

Born in the bustling city of Surabaya, Indonesia, as the seventh of eleven children, his life began in a small 4x12 meter house filled with love and challenges. Despite losing four of his siblings at a young age, the house remained a haven, echoing with the laughter and dreams of the extended family. They even opened their doors wide for relatives to come and live with them. Sometimes young Supardi wondered how the house could possibly be enough for everyone but they always had enough simplicity and shelter for everyone.




The man born on November 20, 1977, who is familiarly called Pak Pardi by his students, began his educational journey in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Surabaya. It was during these formative years that he laid the foundation of his love for writing. Starting from junior high school, it was during this time that he began to hone his skills as a writer, experimenting with poetry as a medium of expression that seemed easy to him at the time.


Achmad Supardi's academic journey took him to the Department of International Relations at Airlangga University in Surabaya, where he completed his undergraduate studies. While many would expect a budding writer to major in literature or journalism, Pardi's choice to major in international relations is a testament to his determination to take on challenges. He challenged himself to be the best. Taking the college entrance exam which was one of the hardest and most competitive majors at the time. Although this is where the real challenge began.


First Steps in Journalism


A pivotal moment in Achmad Supardi's life came in 1994 during his second year of high school, when he joined the Surabaya Post Journalists Association. His first published article, written with a colleague, earned him 15,000 rupiah - a significant achievement for a young aspiring journalist. At the time, his motivations were simple: earn money, voice his opinion and see his work published.


From these humble beginnings, Supardi's passion for journalism bloomed early. He found his first success in writing with a remarkable feat: getting his work published on his first try. This early achievement was not just a milestone; it was a spark that ignited a lifelong journey in journalism. Joining the Surabaya Post Journalists Association, he became part of 'Kropel' (Kronik Pelajar), where his voice, along with those of other student journalists, found a platform. The publisher's commitment to dedicate 1 to 4 pages weekly for student journalism, complete with the provision of computers, was a significant endorsement of their efforts.


However, his love for writing took him in a different direction, and he majored in International Relations, one of the most competitive majors in Indonesia at the time. His journey was filled with challenges, not only academically but also personally. Coming from a financially underprivileged family, where his father worked as a street vendor, Pardi's pursuit of higher education was fraught with obstacles.


To prepare for the university entrance exam, Pardi couldn't afford to buy books, so he borrowed two books from the tutoring center. He promised himself that if he didn't pass the entrance exam, he wouldn't return the books. Imagine if he didn't pass, what answers he would give to his teachers later, imagining the sea of questions thrown at him made him strive to study and fight.


That morning he woke up early to buy a newspaper. That morning's newspaper witnessed the hopes of every child struggling to get into university, and young Pardi was no exception. While opening sheet after sheet of the newspaper, he tried each number to find his exam number. But fate said otherwise, his exam number was not displayed in the newspaper. Sadness and a look of disappointment were clearly drawn on his face. But then his older sister convinced him to check one more time. With little faith left and a glimmer of hope that his exam number would appear, he realized that he had searched for the wrong name in the science section, while he was majoring in social studies. He opened the newspaper again and searched for his name in the social section, and luckily, he found it. The news of his university acceptance became big news in his neighborhood, marking him as the first person from his village to enter university.


Overcoming Financial Hurdles


While the news of his academic success brought joy to his family and village, it also brought financial anxiety. Behind the happiness he felt was anxiety. Supardi realized that he had to find a way to pay for his education, a daunting task given his family's economic challenges. He only had 75,000 rupiah, which he won from a news review competition, and had to pay a tuition fee of 400,000 rupiah - a considerable amount at the time.


Determined to find a solution, Pardi mustered the courage to knock on the door of the third vice chancellor's office, explain his financial difficulties and show his meager savings. He envisioned two scenarios in his head: he could either get a break by not having to pay at all or a discount. However, the reality was different; he got a three-month extension but still had to pay in full.


Undeterred, Achmad Supardi continued to write for Surabaya Post, as a result his writings were continuously published by Surabaya Post and he was able to make enough money to pay off his tuition even in less than three months. If you are wondering then where did he make his money before entering college? The answer is simple, he used his income to help his parents. He showed remarkable financial management skills, even starting to invest in land while still in high school. His upbringing in a large family, where kindness and helping others were ingrained values, played an important role in shaping his character.


Growing up in a small and modest house in an Islamic neighborhood next to the railroad tracks, Achmad's family often had extended family members living with them. Despite limited resources, his mother always prepared enough food to ensure everyone was well-fed. Having to feed eight children and his parents as well as relatives who also shared their small, humble home. This taught her the importance of sharing and generosity, qualities she carries with her to this day.


Lifelong Dedication to Journalism


Achmad Supardi's journey in journalism did not stop at his initial success. He continued to excel in his field, becoming a prominent figure known for his professionalism, ethical approach and sensitivity to what makes a story resonate with audiences. His reputation extends beyond Indonesia, as he actively participates in international workshops and collaborations, leaving a lasting impression on those he meets.


His dedication to his craft is evident in his workaholic tendencies, often working late into the night to meet deadlines and produce high-quality journalism. His journey as a journalist of more than 13 years made him a professional in his field. He doesn't just report; he paints a vivid picture with his words, making readers feel as if they are witnessing the events firsthand.


Pardi's journey took him abroad, where he earned a master's degree in Communication Policy at the University of Westminster in London, UK, thanks to a scholarship from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics. He was also able to continue his education for a Ph.D. at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.


Currently, he is still actively writing and is even writing a book and becoming an editor for another book. In addition, he is also a highly respected lecturer. The way he teaches opens the horizons of many languages. He always teaches his students to see the world with wider glasses and see from many points of view.


Passion for Writing


Throughout his life, Achmad Supardi's love for writing has never waned. When he was in junior high school, he first plunged into the world of words and found poetry as his canvas of expression. This passion eventually led him to journalism, where he discovered the power of storytelling and the ability to convey complex ideas through the written word.


Outside of his journalistic endeavors, Supardi also delves into academia. His research interests include media, journalism, audience studies, and social media discourse. He has presented his research papers at various conferences, both in Indonesia and internationally, demonstrating his deep understanding of media audiences and their evolving dynamics.


As a testament to his dedication to education and knowledge dissemination, Achmad Supardi has written a book titled "Hacking the Road to Internationalization: 40 Years of Surabaya University" and many more.? He has also contributed as a ghostwriter to several books, which shows his versatility as a writer.


Achmad Supardi is not just a journalist, educator, or writer; he is a multi-faceted individual whose life story is a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the tireless pursuit of passion. His journey from a financially disadvantaged background to becoming a prominent journalist and academic is a source of inspiration for many.


In the world of ink and paper, in his story, we see a man who, against all odds, has woven a narrative of success and inspiration.? He is more than his accomplishments. Achmad Supardi's life is a vivid illustration of how determination, passion, and the power of words can turn challenges into triumphs. His journey invites us to see the world through his eyes, feel the emotions in his words, and be inspired by his resilience and dedication. He is not just a journalist or an academic; he is a storyteller who has lived his stories, making us feel as if we know him personally through the twists and turns of his life and work.


When we read about Achmad Supardi, we are reminded that true greatness lies not only in one's achievements, but also in his ability to inspire others to overcome obstacles.






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