Seeing people, Ideas Face to Face #4
What always fascinate me with meeting new people is how much it tell you more about yourself and how is so exciting to listen to new and intriguing ideas. So yesterday @Noga Eliash Zalmanovich and I sat down in lively deli in Jerusalem and openly talk about curator work and love for art & fashion. Noga reveal that love for art began from a very pure and emotional place. Admiration, a sense of enjoyment. Fashion is the further, second love – the universal language with an aesthetic appealing. Combining those two loves created unique exhibition, allowing to fully express oneself and tell a beautiful story.
As we delve into curator work, we came to understanding that exhibitions are basically meetings with old friends like Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and sometimes new friends : )
One of the challenges as a curator is to keep an “innocent eye” less critical and stay in the primary enjoyment. The curator needs to decide whether to use "The white cube" in which the rules are clear, the work tax, not meddling with the experience - leave the viewer to develop a personal dialogue with the art works. Or intervene in the dialogue and actually created a special discussion, some may call it manipulation.
Thank you so much Noga Eliash Zalmanovich those face-to-face meeting are making a live exhibition!?