Seeing Blame Clearly
Dustin Staiger
Learning Environments | Education Space Planning | Solving Interesting Problems
Happy 2023! As we take on a new year, we have an opportunity to renew our focus. This doesn’t just mean we pay attention. Focus also means the picture becomes clearer. This requires context.?
Today’s newsletter addresses the future in context with the past, our habits in context with our self-care, solutions in context of blame, and the distraction of seeking external validation.
Blame This Quote
“It is only by accounting for the past that we can become accountable for the future.”
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Key Takeaway:
- Blame is a sense of resentment toward those we hold at fault.?
- Accountability is accepting consequences for one’s actions.
Overcoming blame doesn’t mean ignoring the past. It means addressing the past without harboring resentment over it.
Blame This Prompt
Could our blame habit be a sign of poor self-care?
Consider whether you’re taking care of yourself. Poor eating, sleeping, and exercise habits may contribute to the blame habit.
Blame This Book Snippet
Instead of solving a problem, blame enables the development of more problems. Root causes are left unaddressed while accusers grow addicted to the power they have discovered.
(Excerpt from Chapter 6 of Blame this Book, publishing Q1 2023)
Key Takeaway:
The indirect effects of blame compound our issues. Core issues fester while toxicity is cultivated in individuals and our group dynamics.
Weekly Thought
There is no anointing or blessing you need to wait and receive. The only permission you need is from yourself
If you’re blaming lack of authority for your lack of action, that’s a sign you’re simply procrastinating.
Weekly Fact
Research shows we’d have fewer regrets if
1. We realize how little attention our failures actually receive from others and?
2) We therefore took more chances with our actions.?
Key Takeaway
The research supports this quote from businessman & humorist Olin Miller:?
"You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do!"