Seeing Beyond Ourselves: The Power of an Outside Perspective in Building Respect and Connection

Seeing Beyond Ourselves: The Power of an Outside Perspective in Building Respect and Connection

“The reasons two camels walk together, is so that one can blow the dust from the others eyes.” - Unknown

Recently, I have been contemplating the gift of an outside perspective.

When I was a young grade school teacher, I copied a cartoon with a slight racial undertone and placed it in a friendly colleague's mailbox. When she received it, she looked up at me and said, "This is not funny."

I was taken aback. I had taken the cartoon at face value, unaware of the implicit criticism and undermining it carried. This taught me an important lesson: to look beyond my own interpretation and consider another’s perspective, even with something as simple as a cartoon. Now, when I am at my best, I ask myself, “Is what I’m putting out there kind, uplifting, and life-giving? Is it neutral, or does it carry a belittling undertone?”

Small jabs not only diminish the emotional tone between those involved but also affect those who witness them. The opposite is also true. (Have you ever watched someone play joyfully with a baby and felt your mood lift instantly?)

In my upcoming book, Be the Gift of It, I explore how the balanced gift of an outside perspective allows us to see our habitual behaviors, thoughts, and feelings more clearly—so we can consciously choose to keep or update them.

Overusing an outside perspective, however, can lead to constantly seeking others’ approval rather than turning inward and trusting yourself.

On the other hand, underusing it—by defensively clinging to your own position and refusing to consider another’s point of view—limits growth, understanding and a deeper connection with yourself and others.

This isn’t about being perfect. It is about having and using strategies to regain balance and get back on track when needed.


Patty Jackson, Founder CIF Coaching


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