Seeing is believing.
At the end of last year I wrote of my realisation that my past professional life had give me greater scope to make choices about my future life and enabled me to explore a wider sphere than I may have, had I maintained a more linear path.
I asked what it took to be able to move away from the comfort of the known and also what might block us. And if there was an orderly queue of stars that align for it to happen.
The upshot was, it's a mash up of events and behaviours that create or block opportunity, not one sole thing. So, I've been sharing my thoughts weekly on what these influences are and how they connect.
I've mused that having the courage to try something new, along with a complementary side dish of confidence, enables us to put our best foot forward when exploring new professional paths.
But being able and ready isn't enough alone. How does that opportunity open up and, more specifically, open up for you??
Primarily, you made yourself known. You're visible to more than just those around you.
You’ve been seen, you’ve been heard and you’ve created a reputation for who you are - a culmination of the good, the bad and the ugly for how you show up every day.
Too much visibility of the latter and you’re going to be closing those doors to new adventures pretty quickly.
So the simple first rule? Make an impact, deliver value and be a positive role model in what you do each day.
Now for the more complex second rule, and this isn’t something we’re all comfortable with, you need to raise your profile and build your personal brand.
I’m not talking full blown PR campaign here. You absolutely need to be your authentic self to build long term sustained credibility, a whole topic of its own, but you can’t remain head down in your own bubble and expect opportunity to come knocking. Fate alone won't be enough.
Credibility, at any level, comes from being able to demonstrate your expertise, your passion, your values and your ability to deliver outcomes. The more outlets you find and have to do so positively, in and out of the organisation, the higher your profile.?
Credibility + Visibility = Opportunity.
So where am I heading next for what is, currently, the penultimate thread of this series?
Towards the importance of Connections.
If you want to recap on the story so far: