See the Whole Person
Steve Cohen RN MSN CRNI
Professional Speaker ★ Helping Healthcare Professionals ★ To Be A Success ★
Have you ever met a new patient during a busy moment and make a snap judgment? I once had a patient come into the ER wearing two different shoes. I remember thinking, This person must have grabbed whatever was closest when she left the house.
But after talking to her, I learned she was rushing to the hospital because her child was having a medical emergency, and mismatched shoes were not one of her concerns. I had focused on a tiny detail but missed the bigger picture—her story and urgency. It is interesting how we can do that sometimes.
In Healthcare, it is easy to fall into this trap. You see a chart, a symptom, or a behavior and think you know the whole story. But your patient is much more than symptoms or medical conditions. Each one comes to you with challenges, fears, and histories. Like that patient with the mismatched shoes, every patient has a story behind the details you see.
Instead of focusing solely on a diagnosis, take the time to see the whole person in front of you—their hopes, struggles, and humanity. When you do this, you can build stronger connections, foster trust, and ultimately provide better care. Because when you see the person first, the treatment becomes more meaningful.
Call to Action: My challenge to you today is this: the next time you are with a patient, take a moment to look beyond the medical chart. Ask them about their lives, listen to their concerns, and acknowledge their experiences. By seeing the whole person, not just the symptoms, you will not only help them heal more fully but also deepen your impact as a Healthcare Professional.
Remember that parent with her the mismatched shoes? By the end of our conversation, I wasn't thinking about her shoes at all. I was more interested in understanding her fear for her child's health. When you take the time to see the whole person, the story becomes richer, and the care becomes real.
In a field that often demands speed and efficiency, here's a question to reflect on What if you could balance your fast-paced environment with a slower, more intentional approach to seeing each patient as a whole person? How might that change how you practice, and how might it change the lives of those you care for?
#SeeTheWholePerson #EmpathyInHealthcare #PatientFirstCare #CompassionInAction #ToBeASuccess