See Perceptions of Advances To State of Industries Required in Posts.

See Perceptions of Advances To State of Industries Required in Posts.

JESUS says the greatest among us is he who serves all - 7.3 billion on earth, 73 billion even; whatever! ;

and I believe it is all the righteous, the just, who obliterate principalities that the Holy Ghost enables

We all networking for Mightiest advancing of Well-Being of Mankind on Earth.   all enterprises being enabled to even give "more for less" and have lower cost in maximum economies of scale allowed in FOCUS and access to the global market enabled by no national anthem singing enabling and perpetuating principalities with there boundary extortions and inhibiting of people movement. We must be of Christ, creating more abundance and  operating  in it.   #MyIndustries

I seek to network for the exponential God Magic power in us (the entire earh As one wih no national anhem deviding us into principalities, Kingdoms of man but one nation without extortion and sadomizing promoting  borders  just in Honor  and Glory networking for us to effect MAjesty - the greatest economic prosperity on the earth- chris Jesus living through us.  I believe my predestined by God from before the foundation of the earth role is to in this time pursue with the maximum network the re-engeneering of our socio-enonomic and borderbase realities to the kingdom of God (borderless with no border plunder extortion allowing the fullest economies of scale) with the right full earth experience being lived by us all (loosed by us) to the earth.

Growing Global percapita GDP from (PPP)US$ 15K to 75K in 10 years  --- The Way---- Started January 2015    and to 2025.

 ANOTHER PRESENTATION OF MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL INC     Thump up, connect and share if you support this developing movement and work         "In the Spirit of Serve All I loose this publication to all on the planet. 

Join Linkedin group MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST LOOSED ON THE EARTH. the and join in on the Promotions.

THE FIRST MAIN PRESENTATION OF MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL INC     Thump up, connect and share if you support this developing movement and work         In the Spirit of "Serve All"        I loose this publication to all on the planet.  

Living Souls 10 year Global and Jamaica Economic Achievable Targets to 2025. 

Click rightmost bottom button for  the full screen  clear view.  

Cretical Observations.   Actual growth rate of the Jamaica and the Globe economy are each under 2%.  


These publications have not gained adequate attention for the real potential and traction of us one in the Kingdom of God and all his righteousness un aby by Christ Of Jesus being loosed of the earth. Discuss, share, note and invite comments. We will discuss on linkedIn. See Group Majesty Shock Trail for discussion.

  1. the 6% projected growth Jamaica GDP for 2015 at June 5 is still possible if


  • Full stock of National debt and all usury debt is written off;
  • boundary extortion that used to finance it cease' and
  • Taxes collections are kept within 16% of GDP.  8.25% GCT and 10% income tax on all earned income is adequate.
  • Un earned income contained in Stock exchange and by lessen learned of the abominable mnature of unearned income. Full capitalisation To facilitate Growth to "serve all" so full enployment with best technology-prime objective.
  • Free movemet of labour and capital per global objectives apply


  1. 2.  7 % increase in Global projected for 2015 is still possible if all principality boundary extortions and restriction of movement and hinderance deployment of labour are forgotten and ever obliterated from the earth ,


The above presentation gives a ten year projection commencing January 1st  2015 with a year by year increase posssible in Global GDP achievable for us as Living Souls.  Living souls in all is not a unatainable state.  s

Jesus did say the heart of man is desperately wicked. there is none good.         True but he also says it is not my will that any should perish but that all come to life; and " it is my will that you prosper and be in good health as your souls prosper. that is refering to Living souls.

We are in a era of China surging in the "Serve all mode." Serve all is most posible where we remove the walls and boundries of national sovereignities, principalities. These are perpetuates as mankind greatest achievement,  But they are just the ceiling from the Kingdom of Gods.  There should only be one nations under God.

The United states Union dispite the many civil struggles that have all beem positives was a great in the direction of God's will being done on earth as a union of 50 states (321 Million people as one(not 50 principalities each with boundry protections practices and immigration controls applying to movers from other states. And the United States was blessed for it to the extent of its limit.  unlike Africa that never came togather into a sum of borderless states, that would have eliminated the hinderances to movement, trade, increased in scaled production, exports and the exponential development effects. 

China now is explioting (with other appropriate conditions in place) a united 1.370 billion united as one 4,26 times the old United States. The little restriction their on immigrants was over run by its progress- the cheep labour bring used to produce some 64 million housing units and ghost cities. But that includes no loss Houses have 70 70 150 years life expectancies and China in in progress to lifting another 250 million above its recoud of 600million more out of poverty into the serve all middle class mode. Their government is more efficient and caring about the wellbeing of people that the democracy of the USA with the appropriate media freedom and scrunity and channelling of public opinion.  further plus of the closer reach to the oneness of the planet without kingdoms of division for border plunder and national pride among principalities.The dark age.

China great union represent the greatest effort of mankind to illiminate principalities. The God magic of it will be greater than that of the United States. Local Chineese companies can achieve powerful level of economies of scale and great wealth even from the local market but China greatest grasped and never to loose knowledge from their gut is the Glory and Majesty they can easily Loose on the earth as a testimony of something great they live. Yet it is just a trend to the real deal The vanquishing of all principalities from the earth with all its boundry extortions and hinderances misallocation human resources to such oppressive stagnation and plunder.  The greatest reality is in a union of all on the earth. available to all, with enterprises created and grow to serve all all experience the God magic of serving all the planet.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against 1st  Principalities,  Powers will crumble and the true power of God will will be the reality we loose. The government is on Christ shoulder in usthrough us The return of Jesus Christ "phase 1.' in and through us unto the blessed hope. even the containing and vaquishing of the practices that are spiritual wickedness in high places. for it is the mind of Christ Jesus that is to be and is the mind that is in infinity the "Tree of Life" (The righteousness of God in Christ Jesus) not the Tree of Good and evil.(the unrighteousness of God in the Prince of darkness The world. and God identity is not in the world but in Christ. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. And every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord even the fallen angels and the world of them all.  It is not my will that any should perish but all come to life. Who refuse to come to Life for exalted prides of being gods with own kingdom like god but is in darkness as thieves for boundary plunders and captivities in national identities among the 203 principalities that was on the earth.

Your kingdom come oh God

God is no respector of persons, We only need to shed ourselves of these little kingdoms of man and loose on the earth the kingdom of God. The growth potential is exponential.

God kingdom come, his will beig done.  Jesus was asked Tell us master ... Who shall be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. His response.  The greatest shall be the least, a servant.who serve all.7.3 billion with any product. Bill Gates comes close.

We can see him as a child on you tube.     There are billions of such child who are us.even the least in this information age will easily grow in knowledge and wisdom in increasingly shorter periods of time and out of compassion create the next product the next process that offer more utility and efficiency and joy. that is our increasing strength to nfinity.

The highest growth is only a function to speed by which we clense ourselves of national identities of the many devide 203 nations to becoming one.The kingdoms of man shall become the kingdom of God. His Kingdom come; his will being done.

It is not my will that any should perish but all come to life. It is my will that you prosper and be in good health (even to eternal life) as your Souls prosper.

                                Living Souls. All on the planet. The way to the ultimate infinity of GLORY, MAJESTY, BY,HONOR. IN ALL HIS DOMINION ONE FOR THE MIGHTY WORKING OF HIS POWER.

Goodness and life, Let us bring him Goodness and life. 

 Should I say the Chinese, the entire east os one is waiting on the west to mobilise into The Way in all his righteousness to have the capacity for their full growth potential..

Beter to say to us all, eyes have not seen,nor ears heard neither has it come into the imaginations of all the things that God has instore for us all when we love and trust only Him and ever press to the high mark of our calling in Him.  and a we a run Jan Crew.We who All that come to life.that are joint heirs with him in His Grace to us.

We bring all this into subjection of the Word of God, ever losing Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, The coming of Christ Jesus Second return



First Phase  The explosion of Christ Jesus coming through Living through us bring all things into subjection of the knowledge of truth.

Second phase        Hid appearing in the cloud.  Rapture Everything that has breath praising God ine with Christ Jesus to infinity

Third phase   Christ Jesus landing his foot on the mount in Jerusalem


 ANOTHER PRESENTATION OF MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL INC     Thump up, connect and share if you support this developing movement and work          "In the Spirit of Serve All I loose this publication to all on the planet.  



If you support this evolving work of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL INC, please join in breaking the Word asunder to agree and let us all serve the Lord with all our hearts. all 7.3 billion or 73billion whatever it be. Let every thing that has breath Praise the Lord.  

Let us by his grace support and loose on the earth the policies and cultures that reflect the renewing of all us on the earth Minds to the Mind of Christ living through us bringing into existence "a no principalities earth to him one nation under God ... His Kingdom come his will being done," -Goodness and Light.                              

It is the obedience to infinity in all our ways that matters;

And it is becoming clear to all it is "The Way" to the greatest prosperity on earth.

And of His reign, there shall be no end. 

I seek your support

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