See me, Feel me, Touch me... Please!

See me, Feel me, Touch me... Please!

If you look into their eyes, I mean really look, you will see that they want a connection with you. They are starving for it. It is my theory that the older we get, the more human connection we require. Otherwise, isolation leads to depression. Depression leads to despondency, Despondency, in effect, shortens lives. Current scientific research has proven this.

Isolation can still be experienced even when there are people all around you. There you are in a room, with a group, hearing the sounds of different conversations. Yet, you're not really connecting with anyone. How does one deal with this on an emotional level? Some people may close their eyes. It's not because they're tired, but because no one is noticing them. Maybe they feel as if they have disappeared. Perhaps, it is less painful not to see someone who is not looking at you.

Others may act out. BTW, combative behavior, I believe, is not a symptom of old age, dementia or any disease for that matter. Perhaps it's a result of frustration, not being understood; not being seen.

It's my observation that if you connect mindfully, lead with your heart and see yourself as a compassionate being that you are, you will make your life and those around you, in a word, happier.

Let me share with you a window into my life's work, which is my passion:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you", she said. "For what? I asked. "You make old people glad they're not dead yet."

This comment from Evelyn touched me profoundly. This is the voice of a ninety-three year old in a memory care facility who may have been feeling she wasn't being noticed, heard or validated for most of her day.

There is something that puts a smile on her face and changes her countenance dramatically. In particular, she loves to sing. It brings her joy. It reminds her of places, people and experiences. She also hungers for connection. And a conscious connection with someone takes more than a few seconds. Do you agree?

I'm sure you've encountered people like Evelyn. And that's where you and I show up...with an open heart, eye contact, a kind word, your talents and a gentle touch. These gifts, that you already possess, are worth their weight in gold; precious and valuable.

So shine your light. Spread the love. Show compassion. Please!

Adorei! Acredito muito nessas terapias!


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