Seduce them with authenticity
Fundraising is a game of power and seduction, and to win at it you must exude an irresistible authenticity. The most successful fundraisers I've worked with do not put on an act or exaggerate their progress - that is a losing strategy an experienced audience will see through immediately. True power lies in embracing who you are, warts and all. There is a supreme confidence that comes from accepting yourself as you are and not apologizing for it. Investors are drawn to this like moths to a flame.
A long time ago, an investor once dismissed an entire financial model I had prepared for a startup. At first I assumed he lacked the knowledge to comprehend it, but when I pressed him for the reason he said simply: “This will be tossed in the drawer the day after you get funded.” In that moment I understood - it was not just the financial model. The roadmap, value proposition, competitive advantage - all of it had been manufactured for the purpose of fundraising, not the growth of the business. I realized then we needed to bring the power of authenticity to the fundraising materials themselves.
Too many entrepreneurs treat fundraising like a school project, creating decks and models as if to win an award: “Look at this deck! Look at this model! I did everything perfectly!” Although it might look like it at first, fundraising isn't a competition to see who can create the shiniest documents. It is simply a search for the investor best matched to your business, and you want to find them as swiftly as possible.
Most investors you encounter will not be the right match, so you want each interaction to be as quick and efficient as possible. Remove the BS, take ownership of the facts, and deliver them unapologetically. It may be paradoxical but it works.
The fact is, creating documents solely for the purpose of fundraising is a flimsy ruse that collapses under interrogation. Sophisticated investors will perceive this weakness and it will repel them.
Build your business using the tools you’ll present. Craft an optimal business model, know who your customers are, and test your hypotheses with real data and financial modeling. Plot your growth with milestones, dates, and measurable impact. Consider downside scenarios.
If you do this, fundraising will require less effort and it will be easy to maintain an authentic confidence when you present.
Original article published at