A Little Story of the Experience of being a Paskibra Officer on August 17th at School | Sedikit Cerita Pengalaman menjadi Petugas Paskibra 17 Agustus

A Little Story of the Experience of being a Paskibra Officer on August 17th at School | Sedikit Cerita Pengalaman menjadi Petugas Paskibra 17 Agustus

Senior permission, please,?

Mohon izin senior, akang/teteh.

A little story in the 11th grade, before a pandemic like this, happened. Alhamdulillah, I was mandated to become a Paskibra officer at the 74th Indonesian Independence Day in 2019. From grade 10 did, I participate in the Paskibra extracurricular. Ahead of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day celebration, it was almost a month of preparation, starting from marching exercises, training to raise and lower the flag, and preparing the attributes used in the ceremony.

Sedikit cerita di masa-masa kelas 11, sebelum kejadian pandemi seperti ini. Alhamdulillah diamanahkan untuk jadi petugas paskibra di HUT RI KE-74 tepatnya di tahun 2019, yang dari kelas 10 memang mengikuti Ekskul Paskibra. Menjelang Perayaan HUT RI tersebut hampir sekitar 1 bulan prepare mulai dari latihan baris-bebaris, latihan menaikkan dan menurunkan bendera, serta penyiapan atribut yang dipakai di upacara tersebut.

In the last two weeks, before the time came, almost every time I came home from school, my Paskibra colleagues and I would practice for the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony, in which seniors and retirees trained. Only one week before the ceremony, Paskibra officers were given a dispense when studying until school arrived. They continued to practice again so that it would run smoothly at the ceremony later. Thank God I was mandated to be a Paskibra officer who raised the flag, commonly referred to as "Kibra Kerek", which is the officer responsible for ensuring that the flag does not overturn.

Di 2 minggu terakhir sebelum waktunya tiba, hampir setiap pulang dari sekolah saya dan rekan-rekan paskibra?pasti latihan untuk upacara HUT RI yang dilatih oleh senior-senior serta purna. Baru di 1 minggu sebelum upacara, petugas paskibra diberi dispen diwaktu belajar sampai pulang sekolah tiba dan itu terus latihan lagi supaya lancar di upacaranya nanti. Alhamdulillah saya diamanahkan untuk jadi petugas paskibra yang menaikkan bendera atau biasa disebut jadi "Kibra Kerek" yaitu petugas yang bertanggung jawab memastikan supaya bendera tidak terbalik.

Right on the night before the celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony arrived, my fellow Paskibra officers and I were confirmed or, in other words, "Inaugural". During the inauguration process, which took place solemnly, I felt "time is running fast, it doesn't feel like tomorrow is already the ceremony. The exercises we do must be paid for smoothly".

Tepat di malam sebelum perayaan upacara HUT RI tiba, saya dan rekan-rekan petugas paskibra dikukuhkan atau dengan kata lain "Pengukuhan". Selama proses pengukuhan yang berlangsung dengan khidmat, saya merasa "waktu berjalan dengan cepat, ga kerasa besok sudah upacara aja. Latihan yang kita lakuin harus dibayar dengan kelancaraan".

Right on the day of the celebration of the 74th Indonesian Independence Day, we prepared after dawn at 5 AM to prepare our attributes and mental readiness on the field later. Alhamdulillah, the Indonesian Independence Day Celebration Ceremony went smoothly and solemnly. Thank you to the coaches, seniors, and retirees.

Tepat di hari upacara perayaan HUT RI KE-74 saat itu, kita prepare dari sesudah subuh ( jam 5 pagi ) untuk menyiapkan atribut serta kesiapan mental kita saat di lapangan nanti.?Alhamdulillah Upacara Perayaan HUT RI berjalan dengan lancar, serta khidmat. Terimakasih untuk para pelatih, senior, serta purna.

The celebrations in 2020 and 2021 are indeed different from previous years, where many people in the field attended the ceremony, but now only a few people. Enthusiasm for the Paskibra brothers, you can do it. You have to be enthusiastic because you are not alone.

Perayaan tahun 2020 dan 2021 ini memang berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, dimana upacara yang dihadiri banyak orang di lapangan, sekarang hanya beberapa orang saja. Semangat buat adik-adik paskibra, kalian pasti bisa, harus semangat karena kalian tidak sendirian.?

"Stay as one. Don't want to be divided. Achieve your dreams and aspirations in a bright future. Achieve your best achievements and make this nation proud. Happy Independence Day." Happy 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia!

"Tetaplah menjadi satu. Jangan sampai ingin terpecah. Gapai angan dan citamu di masa depan yang cerah. Raih prestasi terbaikmu dan buat bangsa ini bangga. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan."??Selamat HUT RI KE-76 Merdeka!!

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