Security success depends on..

Security success depends on..

''Security success depends on the level of situational awareness of the people on the ground and their reaction speed'' J Kirsten

Decision Makers

Security Directors, Heads of Security and Security Managers are reliant on all the truthful information from the ground. When they have unreliable or misinformation then they invite collateral damage. Having said such, the flip side is true as in; they are earning trust and respect by their peers. Unfortunately, some report to the accountant, hr, chief engineer and not to senior management. Those that are effective providers of relative information that is eloquently presented will have a competitive advantage over others and hopefully take their rightful seat at the table.

Level of situational awareness

The Security Manager

Which security managers do we hire or keep in this fast-changing vulnerability landscape? is a question to ask from time to time.

Some say, ''you are trying to reinvent the wheel!''. Since the wheel was invented other forms of transportation has been invented such as boats that can travel on land, and motorcycles that can ride on water.

An intelligent person knows that one needs knowledge to comprehend intelligence. However, when one is situationally unaware of what to look for, then they have no idea of what knowledge to acquire.

Situational Awareness of people.

Some staff could be simply naive and gullible to the fact that people lie, hide or volunteer information for their own agendas.

People do provide misinformation, unreliable information or withhold information for many reasons. Being situationally aware of all the reasons and methods is paramount. Subsequently, security managers and staff should be able to read people and the situation.

Multi-Cultural Awareness

People live in a multi-cultural society. One could be trained to read people and the situation in one culture - but that does not mean that they can read people of other cultures or people with different backgrounds. We have seen others suffer reputational damage because of bias towards religious beliefs political affiliations, or racial stigma.

There are many other examples written on this topic and is available through the link below for those that are situationally aware to weaponize their own brain.

Situational Awareness of technologies

All of us are living in a technological world. For anybody over the age of 30, it is crazy to see young children already playing with computer pads. The security practitioners are on the ground are becoming more dependant and integrated with technologies. Billions are spent on technologies but are all getting the most out of using them or purchase the appropriate technologies to find the crime and stop it - or protect sites and save lives?

List of Situational Awarenesses

The above just mentions a short list of reasons for certain job functions but the list goes on and on. When one has no idea of what they should be paying attention to - then one is irrelevant. Relevancy is a difficult word to digest but is relevant for the world that we live in.

When one can evaluates a security company, security practitioner or any person in this field - then it is suggested to pay attention to the words that are used that talk to the width and depth of their abilities. The professional will display their level of situational awareness in relative and related fields.

Effective Security Managers know how to think and educate their team to think.

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Control Page of ISIO - International Security Industry Organization

1 年

#SituationalAwareness is a conscious cognitive mental ability but for the security industry it must also be an unconscious yet competent mental ability because security react instinctively to life impacting and deadly incidents. Against that backdrop the science suggests a specific researched method is used to define and prove the methodology using the easiest and most effective experimental tool. In-turn, the same tool is used to foster human instinct for #criticalthinking (security styled) resulting in uncovering loopholes, damning issues and opportunities (methods to litigate or limit the level of collateral damage). View the article to comprehend the width and depth of benefits to out-think and outsmart perpetrators.




