IT Security
Shridharan Nair
Go to Market | Driving Growth in IT Commodities, Resource Augmentation | Testing Solution for Product | Process | Project, Expertise in Office 365, ITSM, ITOM , Archival Solutions | IT Security
“80 percent of organisations have been the victim of a cyber-attack during the past 12 months” - Osterman Research Report, 2016.
IT Security - Wish List 1. Email Gateway Security 2. Next Generation End Point Security ( Securing with latest attack of Ransomeware) 3. Next Generation Firewall 4. PEN testing and Vulnerability assessment of Application
Biggest Challenge - Is how you present it to the business owner and Who Present it. Make a difference.
One approach is to first get them to acknowledge the underlying issue: no matter what defensive technologies and services are put in place, malware is still breaching and is persisting undetected for long periods of time. Ask the business owner and executive if they can prove right now that they don't have malware running - most can't. I would then focus on solving that problem first - adding a capability to find what has already breached (this is where Infocyte comes into play.) This builds up very quick trust between a partner and the enterprise because you're solving a problem everyone has and likley will discover things they were unaware of. This activity then leads into modernizing endpoint defenses and then naturally onto other common attack vectors like email. Periodically, I would also 'audit' the results of the comrpomise detection solution to to validate issues being discovered are being addressed in a timely manner and I would look at supplement it with pen testing to validate that my defenses are infact working as expected.