Security and Justice Solutions, Finance Ministers Meet, Annual Reports Released
Inter-American Development Bank
At the Inter-American Development Bank we work to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Security and Justice Evidence-Based Platform is the first repository in Spanish and Portuguese to provide scientific evidence about what has worked and not worked to reduce crime and violence – a long-standing impediment to economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
With information on nearly 100 types of solutions and more than 700 cases, the Platform covers topics such as prevention of violence against women and children, urban security, criminal justice and social reintegration.
Finance ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean gathered around a common table this month to discuss issues including budgets and fiscal programs in a time of elevated debt, drivers of growth, and support for citizens most impacted by inflation. To watch the discussion with ministers from Belize, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Honduras, click here.
Governors of the region’s central banks also convened at the IDB, exchanging strategies on monetary policy amid challenging global and regional conditions. To watch the discussion with central banks leaders from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Guatemala, click here.
The IDB financed a record $5.9 billion in activities related to climate change last year, out of a total $12.7 billion approved for sovereign-guaranteed loans. A look back at diverse projects, initiatives and results across Latin America and the Caribbean is now available in the 2022 Annual Report.
Working with the private sector, IDB Invest continued to carve out a unique niche for impact investing and achieved a record $3.1 billion in mobilizations last year. Discover project stories and learn about innovative financial instruments in the 2022 IDB Invest Annual Report.
Argentina: $200 million to bolster healthcare system
- Loan will benefit 20.5 million people who rely solely on public healthcare, aiming to reduce mortality rates and access gaps.
Bahamas: $160 million to improve management of natural-disaster risks
- Financing will help implement public policies for risk identification and reduction, disaster preparedness and recovery.
Brazil: IDB Invest finances cancer treatment
- Joint package with Santander for up to $100 million will enable oncology research and care center for thousands of patients.
Brazil: Data hub launched for digital inclusion
- Georeferenced information on country's connectivity supply and demand will inform solutions to close gaps.
Ecuador: $10 million in reverse factoring for MSMEs
- IDB Invest facility improves financing conditions for 600+ small businesses in supply chain of one of country's main supermarkets.
Polling data from 18 countries reveals that over the past quarter-century, support for economic integration has improved as the region’s economies have grown, including an uptick in the 2010-2020 decade.
However, sentiments vary significantly based on respondents’ age, gender, geographic location, and socioeconomic and educational background, according to a recently published IDB study. Youth are most in favor of regional economic integration, and more education is strongly correlated with support.