Security on the internet: An issue that demands the utmost attention

Security on the internet: An issue that demands the utmost attention

Nowadays, sites containing malicious software are quite common. The increase in cybercrime in recent years shows that security professionals need to take their jobs more seriously than before and businesses need to put more focus on endpoint and?cloud app security ?to keep their data safe.

Security is necessary for everyone! If we’ve been focusing a lot on security lately, it’s because cybersecurity is one of the most discussed topics in the online world right now. Malware is a threat to?security on the internet, you, and every user who visits your website.

Cybersecurity is literally “we’re all in this” situation, and every business that raises the level of security makes the internet more powerful.

The protection of digital data has become one of the major challenges of our time. A new source of political and economic stakes, in an interconnected world where the collection of information and digital exchanges are exploding, exposure to cyber-attacks is constantly increasing.

It is, therefore, necessary to understand what the new challenges of cybersecurity are and what solutions are available to companies to anticipate and strengthen the protection of their data.

Cybersecurity is the set of technical and legal provisions intended to protect the computer systems and data of the company. These safeguards aim to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the systems.

Cybersecurity: Raising awareness to strengthen company security.

Digitization and the digital transformation of businesses have inevitably posed major security challenges. It then became essential for them to work on the various technical aspects, but also to train and raise awareness of the risks associated with digital technology and its multiple uses.

Thus, identifying the sensitive data to be protected, using?web application security, particularly in terms of encryption of communications, appear to be essential reflexes to adopt.

Besides these technical measures, the human factor cannot be ignored. Indeed, it is essential to raise awareness among the company’s various employees of good individual and collective practices in terms of digital protection, by implementing a clear and explicit information systems security policy.

Several solutions are available to companies wishing to fight effectively against cybercrime, such as:

  • The implementation of an internal company security policy;
  • Training and awareness of users in computer security;
  • Restriction of access to strategic and potentially risky data;
  • The use of?app encryption, anti-virus, and firewalls.

Know how to anticipate the threats of tomorrow.

The advent of Cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and even Artificial Intelligence now makes it possible to design new approaches and create economic value directly online.

Paradoxically, the large-scale deployment of these technologies also means a significant increase in threats and their actors. Attacks against companies are no longer carried out solely by hackers, but by foreign powers, government bodies, or even independent private structures.

So, in this new digital world with an uncertain future, we realize, perhaps very late, that the defense of information assets with?cloud app security?and endpoint security is a necessary step.

This content is meant for information only and should not be considered as an advice or legal opinion, or otherwise. AKGVG & Associates does not intend to advertise its services through this.


