Security Features

Security Features

The contemporary world, security becomes essential for an institution or community. The increased risk threats, especially from the natural calamities and aggression from human threats, become among the starting points that are likely to affect the peace of an institution or a community. The increased use of the computer as a form of information technology increases the data risk that needs to be protected from unauthorized use or harking.

The need for proper security detail requires an extensive length of preparation, especially while setting an organization the need for both physical security and internet security can be made efficient through adequate development and measure. This discussion focuses on the security features that may be essential for an organization or a community based on the process of establishing a safer environment or operation.

Security Risk to Prepare For

Cyber-security become one of the most vulnerable sectors in the world today. The increased chance of technology and the over-dependence on the cyber to contain all information and data for organizations and institution pose a lot of risk to the security of such data and information [1]. Among the threats in this section include the data loss due to malfunction of the IT devices or cloud hosting. It may also involve information stealing by hackers that is likely to impact negatively on the security of the company and its ability to keep proper records of production. Experts, therefore, need to take a keen interest in cyber-security since it is the primary source of a threat that may affect the operations.

A failure to invest in cyber-security may lead to several damages, key among them being the loss of a higher sum of money from such an organization. The information in companies becomes a valuable resource and a source of investment. Its insecurity implies its loss and therefore prevents the institution from making a precise decision that conforms to the information available. The threat of data security thus means that the inefficiencies in financial management or even theft of finances from the institution. The failure for the security detail in the cyber may also lead to loss of confidential information or spread of information that may lead to loss of public trust in the operation of the company.

The failure may lead to permanent business failure in a profit-making organization. The information needed to make the decision tends to be confidential. When such data are destroyed or leaked to the public or competitors, the company is deemed to fail and refuse its probability of recovering. This, therefore, creates a total failure of the organization. A security expert must, therefore, prepare to establish a  way that ensures that information is protected in both natural forms and the internet [10].

This requires the development of data store or cloud technology that are secure and leak proof. This also requires designing a security system that is not centrally controlled since that increases the threats of its accessibility by any unauthorized user. It also eases attacks by the virus since a person focuses on the central administration to affect any other component of the information of the organization. The need for proper security assessment and establishment of appropriate security procedures becomes necessary for the survival of the institution [5]. This can, therefore, be ensured through taking a keen interest in cyber-security system rather than the physical.

Most institutions have used the current technology of vulgar-proofing and electronic security access to most of their facilities. The main threat remains on the advancement of the technology and the discovery that renders each technique weak as the new one is discovered. Therefore, security experts mist focus on being ahead of the hackers and terrorists that may use the information to impact negatively on the public. Among the areas of concerns, in this case, including the health sector where the data can be used to interfere with health through the development of bio-weapons against the citizens [9]. The need for proper security measures, therefore, requires the event of a complete technology that takes a keen interest in information security to reduce cyber threats. It also requires setting a proper legal framework that regulates the use of technology and the protection of information against people with malicious intentions.

Environmental Design and Security

Several environmental factors affect the security management system of an organization or institution. Such ranges from the design of the network system to the physical appearance of the facilities hosting the essential security. Environment plays an indispensable role in the crime control process among the specification reveals that the likelihood to attack; as well as access to the data details for a company depend on the location and the nature of the architecture of the building the devices are located. It also depends on the ease of accessibility of such information due to environmental vulnerability. Data loss is also observed in situations where the environment is prone to natural calamities and interference. For this reason, a consideration of ecological factors becomes the starting point of ensuring cyber-security.

One component of environmental design that can be used as a security feature is the form and size of space on controlling inhabitants. It is a prominent factor in variable social welfare and security. Space may be needed to not cause such a great panic [6]. The design of data security should, therefore, be adapted to ensuring that the area is so secure and are designed to hold the control point for the data. In a case where data devices are stored in poor design, there is an ease in accessing them by unauthorized users or any person with ill intentions.

Space, in case it is the internet, should be hosted in a facility that is out of reach from ill intentions. For instance, a company may decide to host their data center in a company far away from the location of the company and unknown to many individuals [3]. This is likely to improve the security of the data from the company. Server hosting company, therefore, take an active role in ensuring that the design of the environment is secure enough to prevent interference by ill intention users.

Further environment design s that can be used to ensure the security of information is the placement of proper control of activities in the internet environment. This implies that server hosting companies need to ensure that the access and use of data are monitored, and malicious users are controlled through immediate report and response to avoid further data damage [7]. The intellectual security on the internet needs a system or an environment that is easy to detect any activity and to send the information to the security personnel in the most appropriate way. This is a system that promotes easy monitoring of activity and control of the movement of data may be a design that ensures proper security features for the companies.

The environmental design also involves ensuring that the physical features within the environment do not interfere with the data use and transfer on the setup. Preventing data loss due to natural environmental capability is a form of ensuring the security of the company information and for instance, setting a data storage system in an environment that does not rely on whether or climatic changes is a way of ensuring proper security features. Data storage, therefore, require ensuring that the saver is not located in a place that is exposed to physical damage due to the environment. This is a way of preserving the security of the space under the use of cyber.

Environmental architecture can also improve security through a process of limiting the type of people that can cause damage to the security system. A safe environment, for instance, where security check and of physical entry is monitored is an essential feature for security [2]. This involves setting security checkpoints such as physical guards and setting secrete surveillance camera in the facility is a way of monitoring security of m facilities from unauthorized access. It is therefore essential to ensure that the physical environment and the internet environment is designed in a way that provides proper security monitoring and checks to avoid security breaches and threats.

Implications of Technology

Technological innovation is among the major cause of security improvement in ICT. For example, as technology advances, new security measures are discovered, leading to improved protection of information. The advancement in technology help to identify the security loopholes and mend them as a way of ensuring reduces chances of security breaches for the company [4]. It is seen in the constant m update of the existing storage item and management centers for information that leads to a positive effect on the management system of the company.

Technology improvement also ensures the creation of data storage and management platforms that are more secure than the previous technology. This case, they provide that there is proper accessibility management through a superior technology that is difficult to crack by hackers. For example, the devolved data control system makes it difficult for a hacker to use a control location of administration to access all the information needed. Though new and superior technology, collecting the different data components have been subjected to a variety of security check that protects them from wrong access.

However, the constant change of technology has been a disadvantage to security management due to the adverse effect. For instance, the cost involved in updating the current security detail to the new technologically advanced security detail is very high. The increased rate of technology growth, therefore, becomes expensive, and most companies may fail to afford. Moreover, failure to update the current technology to the new one makes the company data more vulnerable since the new technology always create a loophole in their old technology. This process makes security management hectic and information vulnerable to hacking and misuse.

The second negative effect that may come with technological innovation and loss management Program is the fact that such use technological improvement comes with new loopholes. The loopholes that may further increase threats to the company data management system. For instance, a technology that focuses on ensuring a central data management system put the entire organization into the danger of a straightforward breach of information [8].

This makes companies confusion whether to welcome the technology changes or retain the former technologies in the data management system. The decision to adopt the technology becomes subject the thorough scrutinizing. In most cases, companies lack the technical equipment of ensuring that. This continues to create a wary in the security of data for companies.

Cyber-security is becoming one of the most critical issues in the current management system of institutions and companies. This is because the information system has been centralized to be contained in electronic forms that require proper protection from different vulnerabilities. The first step towards ensuring security is ensuring that the environment design suits the data storage system. This design involves both physical appearance and the internet environment design. There is a need to ensure that there is proper control mechanism of the web environment through adequate security monitoring to avoid cases of security breaches.

The physical design of company environment also plays a role. It requires setting appropriate barriers to unauthorized accessorizes. Some issues come with technological advancement. Appear from their cost. There is a constant vulnerability of the company’s information to the new threat. It makes it difficult to make a conclusive decision on the form of data to control system to use as a way of ensuring strong cyber-security.


[1] Beeskow, J. (2015). Reducing security risk using data loss prevention technology. Healthcare Financial Management69(11), pp.108-113.

[2] Boudko, S., & Abie, H. (2019). Adaptive cybersecurity framework for healthcare internet of things. International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), pp.1-6. Doi:10.1109/ISMICT.2019.8743905

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[4] Landucci, G., Argenti, F., Cozzani, V., & Reniers, G. (2017). Assessment of attack likelihood to support security risk assessment studies for chemical facilities. Process Safety and Environmental Protection110(B), pp.102-114.

[5] Qassim, Q. S., Jamil, N., Daud, M., Patel, A., & Ja’affar, N. (2019). A review of security assessment methodologies in industrial control systems. Information & Computer Security, 27(1), pp.47-61

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[7] Pranava, M., Mounika, A., & Mounika, A (2015). Effect of big data characteristics on security-leveraging existing security mechanisms for protection. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(5), pp.2023-2026.

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[9] West, B. (2015). Loss-prevention technology and the fight against employee theft. Networld Media Group: QSR Web News. Retrieved from

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