Security and Fast Access Gun Storage
Sharing Tracy's Story.....
I take the safety and security of my family very seriously. As a mom of three, it’s always been a priority. But it wasn’t until this past spring that I truly realized how vulnerable we could be.
It was a typical night. I was curled up on the couch, reading. Two of my kids were asleep, my oldest was working on homework, and my husband, Gary, was away on a business trip. It was around 10 PM, and the house was quiet when suddenly, there was a loud, forceful pounding on the front door.
I was startled—instantly, fear washed over me. My daughter jumped up, wide-eyed, and asked, “Who is that?”
I didn’t have an answer. It was dark, and we live in a quiet neighborhood where houses are pretty spread out. This was a first for us—someone pounding on the door late at night with no warning. My heart raced, and all I could think about was my kids. My mind went to every worst-case scenario in the book. Gary and I own firearms, and I’ve gone through the training, but I’m not one of those people who keeps a gun at the ready. All our guns were locked up in a safe in the basement, which, in that moment, felt like it was a mile away.
“What surprised me the most, was the instant shift in my anxiety. I had been on edge in the evenings. That feeling of vulnerability was constant. But once the safes were installed and our firearms were in place, it all melted away.”
?The knock came again, just as loud, and I knew I had to do something. I walked up to the door, heart pounding, and called out, “Who is it?” My voice was firm, but I felt anything but. To my relief, it was our neighbor, Stacy. She’d accidentally locked herself out of her house and needed to use our phone. I let her in, and we chatted for a bit, but after she left, I couldn’t shake the feeling. I was rattled.
?I kept asking myself, why was I so scared? Why did a simple knock on the door make my daughter and me jump like that? Looking back, Stacy’s knock wasn’t even that loud, but in the calm and quiet of the night, it felt overwhelming. That’s when I realized how vulnerable my kids and I were, even in our own home. And that was a hard pill to swallow.
?The next morning, I sat down and started researching home security options. That’s when I found SecureIt and learned about their decentralized storage system for firearms. It just made sense to me—if I’m going to have guns for protection, they need to be where I can actually access them in an emergency.
?I called SecureIt, and they walked me through the best options for our home. In the end, the solution was surprisingly simple. We ordered a two-rifle safe (their Fast Box model) and two small handgun safes. Everything arrived in four days. By the time Gary got back from his trip, we were ready to install.
?We decided to put a handgun safe in our bedroom and another in the kitchen pantry. The Fast Box rifle safe went in our bedroom closet near the main door. Installing the safes was quick and easy—SecureIt’s products have pre-drilled holes, so it was just a matter of securing them to the wall studs. The whole thing took about 30 minutes.
?What surprised me the most, though, wasn’t the installation or even the peace of mind I thought I’d get afterward. It was the instant shift in my anxiety. Since that night Stacy knocked on our door, I had been on edge in the evenings. That feeling of vulnerability was constant. But once the safes were installed and our firearms were in place, it all melted away.
I don’t expect to ever have to use those guns in my home, but knowing they’re there, quickly accessible if I need them, gives me a level of confidence I didn’t even realize I was missing. It’s not about living in fear or expecting the worst—it’s about being prepared and protecting what matters most to me: my family.
-Tracy Windham CO