Securing your Windows Environment with CodeSign Secure and AppLocker
Encryption Consulting LLC
World's Leading Provider of Applied Cryptography
Securing your environment is very crucial in the current security-driven world. Every enterprise needs to secure their infrastructure against the rising threat. AppLocker is a security feature in Windows that allows your organizations or your enterprises to control which executable files or applications can run on your systems.
It prevents potentially harmful applications from being run by users by providing your administrators with the ability to create rules regarding the software that is allowed to be executed. This will also help in preventing unauthorized access to the applications and enhance the overall security of an organization.?
Encryption Consulting’s CodeSign Secure is a code signing solution that is designed to manage digital code signing certificates and streamline code signing operations. Our solution, CodeSign Secure, simplifies the process of securely signing software and applications to ensure their authenticity and integrity. It provides an efficient way to handle code signing operations across diverse environments so that only verified software is trusted and deployed.?
By integrating our solution with AppLocker, you can significantly enhance the security and control of your applications. While AppLocker can ensure that only whitelisted applications can run, our solution ensures that these applications are signed with trusted code signing certificates. This combination provides a strong mechanism to ensure that only validated and authenticated applications can be executed, which protects systems from malware or unauthorized applications.
To learn more about securing your Windows environment, visit Encryption Consulting