Securing the Supply Chain: Hardware, Software, and Everything In-Between

Securing the Supply Chain: Hardware, Software, and Everything In-Between

While most people are familiar with the term supply chain, the reality is that the chain is more like an intricate web of interacting networks. It’s complicated and creates a massive array of value, which means it is also an idea target for weaponization. Securing the supply chain is crucial, as it goes beyond what appears on the surface - beyond software and hardware to the people behind the systems, not to mention the supply chain of your supply chain.

We have reached an inflection point where the stakes have never been higher. Our interconnected society has spent decades prioritizing convenience over security, resulting in an incredibly fragile supply chain, as most people felt during the COVID-19 epidemic. Threat actors have been sharpening their toolkits, aiming at their targets, and unleashing attacks for years, but only now are we beginning to uncover the threats that have taken advantage of our vulnerable web of supply chains and the landmine-ridden landscape we now find ourselves navigating. This is not a future worry, our supply chain and the supply chains of our supply chain are presently in danger.

Every time you connect a system, software, application, service, or people, you introduce a new risk into your infrastructure. However, it isn’t possible to run a business – local, national, or global – without relying on others to create value for your customers. So, what steps can you take to minimize the risk of your supply chain and improve the cybersecurity posture of your organization?

Join Everfox experts, Audra Simons (Senior Director of Global Products) and Dr Simon Wiseman (Chief Technology Officer), for a 30-minute webinar where they will discuss the state of supply chain security, the uphill battles organizations face, and the risk mitigation approaches that can help you stay two steps ahead of threat actors.

This webinar will cover:

  • How we define the supply chain
  • How complexity is being weaponized against global organizations
  • An expert take on recent supply chain attacks in the headlines
  • 5 questions to ask your supply chain
  • Risk mitigation strategies to improve your organizational security posture

Reserve your spot here!

Author: Cat Allen

