Securing a Seat at the Table

Securing a Seat at the Table

Dear You,

I need you to know that you deserve a seat at the table!

You've got what it takes to get a seat at the table.

But you have a part to play to secure 'the' seat.

Those who have found their place at the table are not aliens. They weren't created differently either. They worked hard for it. Some of them intentionally had to create a space for themselves.

The fact that you haven't been offered a seat or you haven't secured your place at the table doesn't make you less of a human.

The fact that you haven't seen what it takes to get you there doesn't mean it's not there.

The fact that what you need to get a seat at the table is still in its raw form doesn't mean it can't be refined.

The table is big enough to accommodate those who have found themselves worthy to be seated there and those who have paid the price to get a seat.

There are steps you have to take to begin your journey to securing a seat at the table.

  • Believe in yourself and believe that you've got what it takes.?
  • Ditch the doubts and fears.?
  • Silence the naysayers.?
  • Begin the journey to discovering those potential, talent and gifting buried inside of you.?
  • Develop the potentials - from the raw state to the refined state.?
  • Build, improve and master relevant and most sought-after skills.
  • Market these skills like your life depends on them.
  • Become a voice and a person of authority in your field or space.?
  • Aim for a seat at the table.?
  • Go for it!
  • Trust the process

Getting a seat at the table isn't the end of the journey. Rather, it's the beginning of many others.

For you to secure a seat at the table and stay relevant, you will need to do the following:

  • Think of solutions, not problems.?
  • Offer VALUE - this can't be overemphasized.?
  • Keep showing up - consistency is the key.?
  • Always bring great ideas.?
  • Be result oriented.?
  • Think contribution, not consumption.

I am rooting for you. I am rooting for us.


Agape A.


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