Securing the Future: Insights on Intergenerational Justice from the Future Generations Conference
In our latest episode of "Bridging Generations," we're diving into the critical conversations from the Future Generations Conference, hosted by the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC), in collaboration with Université catholique de Louvain and the Universitat de Barcelona this interdisciplinary event was a game-changer.
The Podcast was inspired by:
The Good Lobby YouthProAktiv Oikos - Coopera??o e Desenvolvimento Pax Christi International Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association Generation Climate Europe (GCE) Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) European Youth Forum Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) Laudato Si' Movement Network of Institutions and Leaders for Future Generations (NiFG) Lab Toekomstige Generaties Earthly Institute European Environmental Bureau Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Alboan ONG Fundazioa Fundacion Entreculturas NGDO World Future Council Friends of Europe Don Bosco International Debating Europe