Securing the Cloud #16
Brandon Carroll
I help cloud security professionals accelerate their career growth by mastering the technical and communication skills needed for advancement.
?? Welcome to the 16th Edition of Securing the Cloud! ??
Hello, Cloud Security enthusiasts! I'm Brandon Carroll, the Cloud Security Guy, back with another edition packed with actionable knowledge. This week, we're exploring AWS CodeCommit, the value of Git for Cloud Security Professionals, and a fantastic learning resource from AWS SkillBuilder. Let's dive in!
Cloud Security Best Practices: AWS CodeCommit ??
Understanding AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeCommit, an integral service within AWS, is much more than a mere source control service; it's a secure platform for managing your code repositories. As a managed service, CodeCommit is fortified with AWS's global network security, embodying the best practices for infrastructure security as outlined in the Security Pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. For developers and cloud professionals, understanding the setup and security features of CodeCommit is essential.
Setting Up CodeCommit
The process of setting up CodeCommit begins with creating a repository within AWS's secure environment. Access to CodeCommit is governed by AWS published API calls, ensuring a secure connection. Critical to its security architecture are Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, with AWS requiring TLS 1.2 and recommending TLS 1.3, and the use of cipher suites with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) like DHE or ECDHE. This security is further enhanced by the requirement for requests to be signed using an access key ID and a secret access key associated with an IAM principal, or by using AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) for temporary security credentials.
Data Security in CodeCommit
A standout feature of AWS CodeCommit is its robust data protection measures. CodeCommit repositories are automatically encrypted at rest, meaning the stored data is secured without any required action from the user. This automatic encryption is a significant advantage, ensuring that your data remains protected against unauthorized access. Furthermore, CodeCommit secures data in transit, with the option to use HTTPS or SSH protocols for data transfer. This dual-layer of security - both at rest and in transit - provides comprehensive protection for your repositories, ensuring they align with the highest standards of cloud security.
Ready to try it out? To create and set up an AWS CodeCommit repository using the AWS CLI, you'll first need to have the AWS CLI installed and configured with the necessary permissions. I'll assume you're already there. Here are the basic steps and commands:
Create a CodeCommit Repository
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name MyDemoRepo --repository-description "My demonstration repository"
This command creates a new repository named "MyDemoRepo" with a description.
Clone the Repository Locally
Before cloning, you need to set up Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit. This can be done in the IAM console under "Security Credentials."
To clone the repository:
git clone https://git-codecommit.[region]
Replace [region] with your AWS region.
Add a File and Commit
Navigate into the cloned repository directory and add a file:
cd MyDemoRepo
echo "Hello CodeCommit" > hello.txt
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Push the Commit to CodeCommit
git push origin main
Basic Security Setup
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeCommitFullAccess --user-name [UserName]
Replace [UserName] with the actual IAM user name.
And there you have it. You now have your own repo to start stuffing your IaC files into. Oh, and here is one more resource you can use to lab up CodeCommit. It's not specific to CodeCommit, but its will at least get you to build a pipeline which if you haven't already guessed, is our theme this month.
Career Advice: Why Learn Git as a Cloud Security Professional? ??
As a Cloud Infrastructure and Security Professional, mastering Git is crucial. Git is not just for developers; it's a powerful tool for version controlling your security configurations and scripts. Imagine tracking changes to your firewall rules or cloud environment configurations with the same precision as software development. Learning Git empowers you to manage and review changes in your security infrastructure with transparency and efficiency, essential for maintaining robust cloud security. In the previous section we used a few basic Git commands when we interacted with CodeCommit. Here are a few other things you should know about Git.
Committing Changes in IaC
Branching and Merging for Network Updates
Pull Requests for Collaborative Security Enhancements
These Git practices should help you in managing infrastructure changes efficiently and securely.
Training and Certifications: AWS SkillBuilder Course on CodeCommit ??
Eager to learn more? Check out this free course on AWS SkillBuilder: Introduction to AWS CodeCommit. AWS SkillBuilder is an incredible platform offering a variety of courses to boost your cloud skills. This course is a great starting point to understand how CodeCommit can be integrated into your cloud security strategy.
Workshop Wednesdays on Twitch and YouTube
Join me for Workshop Wednesdays on Twitch and YouTube! These sessions are informal and interactive – a perfect opportunity to learn together. Stay tuned for hands-on experiences in cloud security!
Let's Discuss! ??
What are you learning about today in the world of cloud security? Share your thoughts and let's spark some exciting conversations! Remember to follow my TikTok channel @thecloudsecurityguy for more insights.
Happy Labbing, and see you in the next edition! ??
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