Securing an AI Application with Cloud Security Services & Automation

Securing an AI Application with Cloud Security Services & Automation

Cloud Security for an AI Insurance Application using AWS Security Tools and Terraform


Tech Stack:

- Cloud Provider: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

- Infrastructure as Code: Terraform

- AI Application: Built using Python and TensorFlow

- CI/CD Pipeline: Jenkins

- Security Assessment Tools: AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Security Hub, AWS IAM, AWS CloudFormation


Our client, a midsize insurance company, developed an AI application to automate their claims processing system. As the application involved sensitive customer data, ensuring robust security was crucial. To achieve this, we implemented a comprehensive security assessment in their CI/CD pipeline using AWS security tools and Terraform.



1. Infrastructure Deployment: We used Terraform to provision and configure the required AWS resources, such as virtual private cloud (VPC), subnets, security groups, and an Elastic Load Balancer. This infrastructure was designed to segregate the AI application's components and enforce strict access controls.

Example of network infrastructure:

# Create VPC
resource "aws_vpc" "example" {
? cidr_block = ""

# Create subnets
resource "aws_subnet" "public_subnet" {
? vpc_id? ? ?=
? cidr_block = ""
? availability_zone = "us-east-1a"

resource "aws_subnet" "private_subnet" {
? vpc_id? ? ?=
? cidr_block = ""
? availability_zone = "us-east-1b"

# Create security group
resource "aws_security_group" "example" {
? name? ? ? ? = "example-security-group"
? description = "Example security group"

? vpc_id =

? ingress {
? ? from_port? ?= 80
? ? to_port? ? ?= 80
? ? protocol? ? = "tcp"
? ? cidr_blocks =


2. Security Assessment in CI/CD Pipeline: We integrated security assessment tasks into the client's CI/CD pipeline, which was managed by Jenkins. As part of the pipeline, a security assessment stage was introduced after the successful build of the AI application.

Example of Jenkins pipeline script that includes the security assessment tasks:

? agent any

? stages {
? ? stage('Security Assessment') {
? ? ? steps {
? ? ? ? script {
? ? ? ? ? // Authenticate with AWS credentials
? ? ? ? ? withAWS(credentials: 'aws-credentials-id') {
? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? ? ? // Run AWS Config assessment
? ? ? ? ? ? sh 'terraform init'
? ? ? ? ? ? sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve'

? ? ? ? ? ? // Run AWS CloudTrail assessment
? ? ? ? ? ? sh 'aws cloudtrail create-trail --name example-trail --s3-bucket-name example-bucket --enable-global-service-events'

? ? ? ? ? ? // Run AWS Security Hub assessment
? ? ? ? ? ? sh 'aws securityhub enable-security-hub'
? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? ? ? // Perform additional security assessment tasks
? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? }
? ? }

? }



3. AWS Security Tools: During the security assessment stage, the following AWS security tools were utilized:

??- AWS Config: This tool enabled us to assess the compliance of the AWS resources against the established security policies and best practices. It provided a continuous evaluation of resource configurations and flagged any non-compliant settings.

??- AWS CloudTrail: By enabling AWS CloudTrail, we captured all API activity within the AWS environment, including changes to resources and access attempts. This helped in auditing and investigating any security incidents.

??- AWS Security Hub: We configured AWS Security Hub to aggregate and prioritize security findings from various AWS services, including AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail. This allowed us to gain a comprehensive view of the application's security posture and respond to potential risks promptly.

??- AWS IAM: We followed the principle of least privilege by configuring granular IAM roles and permissions for the application's components. This ensured that only authorized entities had access to sensitive resources.

# Define provide
provider "aws" {
? region = "us-east-1"

# Configure AWS Config
resource "aws_config_config_rule" "example" {
? name? ? ? ? = "example-rule"
? description = "Example AWS Config rule"
? source {
? ? owner? ? ? ? ? ? ?= "AWS"
? ? source_identifier = "IAM_PASSWORD_POLICY"
? }
? input_parameters = <<-EOF
? ? {}

? depends_on = [
? ? aws_iam_role.example,
? ]

resource "aws_iam_role" "example" {
? name = "example-role"
? assume_role_policy = <<-EOF
? ? {
? ? ? "Version": "2012-10-17",
? ? ? "Statement": [
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? "Effect": "Allow",
? ? ? ? ? "Principal": {
? ? ? ? ? ? "Service": ""
? ? ? ? ? },
? ? ? ? ? "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ]
? ? }

# Configure AWS CloudTrail
resource "aws_cloudtrail" "example" {
? name? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = "example-trail"
? s3_bucket_name? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = "example-bucket"
? include_global_service_events = true

# Configure AWS Security Hub
resource "aws_securityhub_account" "example" {}

# Configure AWS IAM
resource "aws_iam_user" "example" {
? name = "example-user"

# Configure RDS
module "rds" {
? source? = "terraform-aws-modules/rds/aws"
? version = "3.1.0"

? # Configuration for RDS module

? // Example security group rule to allow traffic from Config and CloudTrail
? ingress_rule {
? ? protocol? ? = "tcp"
? ? from_port? ?= 5432
? ? to_port? ? ?= 5432
? ? cidr_blocks = [aws_config_config_rule.example.arn, aws_cloudtrail.example.arn]
? }

# Configure EMR
module "emr" {
? source? = "terraform-aws-modules/emr/aws"
? version = "2.2.0"

? # Configuration for EMR module

? // Example security group rule to allow traffic from Config and CloudTrail
? ingress_rule {
? ? protocol? ? = "tcp"
? ? from_port? ?= 22
? ? to_port? ? ?= 22
? ? cidr_blocks = [aws_config_config_rule.example.arn, aws_cloudtrail.example.arn]
? }


In this configuration, we added ingress rules to the security groups of both the RDS and EMR modules. These rules allow traffic from the AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail services by referencing their ARNs. By doing this, it enable communication between the security services and the RDS and EMR instances.



1. Enhanced Security: The security assessment in the CI/CD pipeline provided continuous monitoring and feedback on the application's security posture. It helped identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations early in the development process, reducing the risk of potential security breaches.


2. Compliance Assurance: By leveraging AWS Config and following security best practices, the client was able to ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations. This increased their confidence in the application's ability to handle sensitive customer data securely.


3. Cost Savings: Implementing security assessment in the CI/CD pipeline allowed for early detection and remediation of security issues. This proactive approach reduced the likelihood of costly security incidents and potential legal consequences.


Challenges Faced:

1. Integration Complexity: Integrating the security assessment tasks into the existing CI/CD pipeline required careful planning and coordination to avoid disruptions and ensure smooth deployments.


2. Configuration Management: Maintaining and updating the security configurations across different AWS services and resources posed a challenge. The use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform helped mitigate this challenge by providing a consistent and auditable approach.


3. Skillset Requirements: The implementation required expertise in AWS security services and infrastructure automation tools. Ensuring the team had the necessary skills and knowledge to implement and maintain the solution was a crucial consideration.


Long-Term Cost Savings:

The security assessment implemented in the CI/CD pipeline allowed for early detection and mitigation of security issues, significantly reducing the risk of potential security breaches and associated costs. By identifying vulnerabilities and misconfigurations during the development phase, the client could address them promptly and avoid expensive remediation efforts in the future.

Additionally, the continuous monitoring provided by AWS security tools helped maintain a robust security posture, reducing the likelihood of costly security incidents and potential legal consequences. The repeatability of the security assessment process allowed the client to apply the same approach to other AI applications hosted on the cloud, resulting in further cost savings by leveraging existing infrastructure and security configurations.


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