Secured your holiday?
A lot of people enjoy their holiday in this time of year. I have planned mine and we will leave our home locked before we go. As we don’t want anyone to enter and take valuables (at least to us)
We have taken our actions to make sure that this would not happen. For example the neighbors would take care for the post, and the code for the alarm system was personalized.
In an organization it’s not possible to leave your valuables unprotected either. And taking a holiday is out of the question. Only the right people should access the data. And an alarm will activate after an event, which is ok, but in data access often too late. So prevention and control would better.
There now numerous of examples for data breaches, but do we care enough?
Here’s an estimation what a breach costs link
The costs are an average so can depend on the value of the data, but will also impact the continuity of the business. Legislation is anticipating to this, although not fast enough to stay ahead of these types of breaches and the call to action.
In an economy where we need to open up our sources to connect to our (potential) customers, there is a need to control who is accessing which data. In order to to so, we need to administer the identity of the person who wants to access something. Even in holiday season.
The person who shares their personal data (name, date of birth, address, Creditcard) wants to be sure that that data won’t be shared with others then the organization it’s shared with.
That responsibility is for the organization and therefor important, otherwise people won’t share that details with you and will shop somewhere else. See here
The consumer nowadays has a lot of choices within reach of a mouse click. And to get your customer loyal to your organization we need to have the right controls for access and prevent a breach.
We trust our neighbors (and the alarm) to cover the personal valuables. But for an organization the threat can from the inside as well as external. Here’s a whitepaper how take action and understand the threat.
Enjoy the holiday season and get home safe.