Secure Your Retirement with FTHRA's Pension Plan
First Tennessee Human Resource Agency (FTHRA)
Improving the quality of life for the People of Northeast Tennessee
At FTHRA, we recognize the importance of pensions in achieving the American Dream and are committed to providing our employees with a secure retirement future. Join us and secure your retirement with FTHRA's pension plan today.
The shift from pensions to 401(k)s in recent decades has placed greater responsibility on workers to save for retirement. However, pensions remain a cornerstone of retirement security, offering a reliable source of income in an uncertain financial landscape.
Secure your future with FTHRA's robust pension plan, designed to provide guaranteed income during retirement. Working full-time at FTHRA not only offers rewarding career opportunities but also lays a strong financial foundation for your retirement years.
Eligible employees have the privilege to participate in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS), recognized as one of the top 5 strongest pension funds in the United States. TCRS is a defined benefit plan, offering lifetime retirement, survivor, and disability benefits for employees and their beneficiaries.
The advantages of a pension over a 401(k) are numerous. With a pension, you're assured of a fixed monthly payment every month when you retire, providing greater stability and predictability. In contrast, with a 401(k), you must navigate investment decisions yourself, subjecting your account balance to market conditions and withdrawal limitations.
TCRS does the saving for you, ensuring a guaranteed monthly check for life once you retire. Your monthly payment amount is determined based on your average top earnings and years worked at FTHRA, offering income predictability and peace of mind throughout your retirement.
To further assist you in planning for retirement, TCRS provides resources such as a customized retirement dashboard, allowing you to track your progress and access retirement-ready education materials.
For more information about TCRS and retirement planning, please visit the Tennessee Treasury website (link to TCRS website) or contact our Director of Human Resources, Malaika Barlow.
Difference Between a Pension and a 401(k):
A pension and a 401(k) are both retirement plans, but they operate in different ways and offer different benefits:
In summary, while pensions offer a guaranteed monthly payment for life and are managed by the employer, 401(k) plans provide flexibility and control over investments but do not guarantee retirement income.
Human Resource Department at FTHRA
First TN Human Resource Agency & Meals on Wheels of Northeast TN
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