Secure Your Facility - Part 2 of 6
Make Your Employees Safe

Secure Your Facility - Part 2 of 6

Target Hardening - is a term used by police officers, those working in security, and the military referring to the strengthening the security of a building or installation in order to protect it in the event of attack or reduce the risk of theft.

Lets start with the exterior of your building. This article is meant to give you the information to help secure your facility. Today’s post is the second of a series of 6. Find the first post here:

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“We Inhale The Very Thing That Kills Us, Just So We Can Feel Were Alive.”

-         Ariel Tatum

You know those pesky cigarette smokers that work for you?  When it comes to securing your facility, they pose the largest risk to you security if you’ve taken proper caution to secure your building as best as possible. I’m sure you have a designated smoking area – if you do, take the time right now to honestly ask yourself how you feel about that area. Is it a necessary evil? Are you thinking about removing it completely and making your facility and property completely smoke free?   In my opinion, should you do that? My answer is a strong and resounding absolutely positive, NO!

Understanding that cigarette smoking is an addiction like none other, smokers will find a place and a time to smoke and do their best to get away with it. No matter the consequences. Banning cigarette smoking from your property or caging your smokers in the dirtiest and nearest to the dumpster is not the way to go. If they feel you do not respect them and their needs, they will begin to not respect you or your property. 

No matter your feeling on smoking, embrace those smokers that are your employees. Give them a convenient, well placed, well lit and well landscaped, private area. They don’t want to be looked at as cattle or a zoo animal. Most feel guilty about the habit as it is. Make it private and nice so that they respect it. One, this will give them the pride needed in the area to keep and your surrounding building clean of cigarettes butts. But two, and most importantly, they’ll want to go to that area to smoke and be less likely to prop a door open to go in and out to satiate the need.

Secure Your Doors And Windows

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Have your maintenance person, shift supervisor or manager walk the property on a routine basis to check for:

· Unsecured doors or doors that are not closing properly

· Large rocks or items that can be used to prop open doors or to break ground floor windows

· Overgrown landscape shrub, bushes or trees that are obstructing exterior cameras, floods or that create good hiding spots.

These tasks can even be assigned to your shift supervisors and managers to do at the end of their shifts. Couple the above listed bullet points with checking that ground floor windows are locked and secured as they should be. Remind them and all employees to keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles, people or items. Then put a protocol in place on how to report such issues. This protocol should clear the way from routine (FYI) type information to being sure that your employees are allowed to call 911 directly if the situation warrants it.

It’s good to develop a good relationship with your local Police Department.

·  No matter the size of your facility, reach out to them and offer them a tour so that they can walk your facility and become comfortable with the layout.

·  Encourage police officers to take a post in your parking lot to complete their reports. (Trust me, cops love an area they know they are wanted and is relatively secure for them to get work done.)

· Some companies even give access to the building to their local officers. Allowing the ability to use the restroom or a comfortable conference room that they can bring their laptops in to get some work done.

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Did You Know That You Can Have Your Local Police K9 Come Into Your Parking Lot And Conduct “Sniffs,” Around The Vehicles Parked On Your Property? This Works For The Officer And His K9 Partner As Training, But, It Also Works For You To Help Control Any Type Of Narcotic Use On Property,

The Broken Window Theory

A Criminological Theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and/or civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes such as vandalism, public drinking help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes.

It’s important to look at your facility and for that fact your home, as a small working city. Within it’s walls is a community working together toward an end goal, my mind goes to an ant colony. Everyone within the walls of you building, your home and city’s we all live in want to be safe. You control the key to create that environment of safety, but it won’t create itself and definitely needs your attention.

Ask Yourself These Questions When Analyzing Your Facility:

1.     Is your parking lot well-lit and free of landscape that creates hiding spots for bad guys?

2.     Are all of your egresses well-lit from the outside?

3.     Are all windows unbroken and free from any type of damage?

4.     Does your building look clean? No flaking paint, no missing vinyl siding, etc.

Making your grounds look beautiful, almost park like has so many benefits it would be difficult to list them here. In the right area it will encourage the right people, respectable community members and your own staff to walk the grounds. That’s what you want, inadvertent witnesses. The more eyeballs, the more likely it is for you to discover something out of place. The more foot traffic equals more witnesses and less opportunity or vulnerabilities. All told, a safer environment.

 Your facility is your responsibility, you must take the steps today to make your building, property, employees and yourself safer. I don't wan't the first time you think of a tragedy to be when it's happening.

Questions To Provoke Thought:

  1. Can all of your exterior doors be locked and secured quickly?
  2. Can those locks be accessed by breaking a glass?
  3. Are your window locks all in good working order?
  4. Do your ground level windows have reinforced coverings to make them shatter proof?
  5. Are all outside lights in good working order?
  6. Are exit signs illuminated and visible?
  7. Can you account for all your keys?
  8. Can the keys your staff have easily be duplicated without your permission?
  9. Do you have an emergency evacuation routes clearly posted?
  10. Do you have an emergency action plan in place?
  11. If so, have you trained your staff on the protocol? 

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Chris Marciano - CEO/Founder, Prepare To Act, llc


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