Secure Socket Layer anyone??
Jonathan Gardner
Mortgage Arrears Guidance Empowering Homeowners to Protect Their Homes and Take Control ???
I recently helped a client set up their website, in particular, pointing CNAME, A RECORDS and DNS settings and then we found out that they also needed an SSL certificate.
To be honest, I have heard of an SSL Certificate but had no idea of what it's purpose was or why they are important, so this is what I found.
A Secure Socket Layer or SSL Certificate (in its simplest form) is an encrypted channel between two points online, making it secure for data like credit card details to be transferred between the two points.
It also makes sure that anyone visiting your website is exactly who they say they are as each certificate has an ID. Your certificate talks to the visitors certificate and they then verify each other which is followed by what is known as a handshake, which then allows the connection to continue.
This is my very brief and non techy description of an SSL Certificate that I enjoyed finding out about and which I thought I would share.
Enjoy your weekend.