Secure inter-micro-service communication with Spring Boot, Kafka, Vault and Kubernetes -- Part 5 : Deployment and testing
- Part 1: Intoduction and architecture
- Part 2: Setting up Kubernetes and Kafka
- Part 3: Setting up Vault
- Part 4: Building micro-services
- Part 5: Deployment and testing <--This article
Deploying micro-services
- We will use Jib to deploy. Recall the concept of deployment to Kubernetes here []
- We will first push our images to Docker Hub ( and pull them back into our Kubernetes cluster. For this we will need a Docker Hub account. You can register for one for free.
Build images and deploy to Kubernetes
- Point your command line console to the $PROJECTS/k8s folder. Run the command
> jhipster kubernetes
- The choices presented are:
- Which * type *- choose Microservice application
- Enter the root directory - in our case we use (../)
- When asked which application do you want to include - choose GatewayKafka, Transaction and DepositAccount
- Make sure you enter the registry admin password
- For Kubernetes namespace - choose default
- For base Docker repository - use your Docker Hub username
- To push docker images - choose docker push
- For istio - set to No
- For Kubernetes service type for edge service - choose LoadBalancer
- For dynamic storage provisioning - yes
- For storage class, use default storage class - leave the answer empty
- Once successful you will see the screen below
Kubernetes configuration successfully generated! WARNING! You will need to push your image to a registry. If you have not done so, use the following commands to tag and push the images: docker image tag depositaccount azrulhasni/depositaccount docker push azrulhasni/depositaccount docker image tag gatewaykafka azrulhasni/gatewaykafka docker push azrulhasni/gatewaykafka docker image tag transaction azrulhasni/transaction docker push azrulhasni/transaction INFO! Alternatively, you can use Jib to build and push image directly to a remote registry: ./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build in /Users/azrul/Documents/GitHub/Ebanking-JHipster-Kafka-Vault/DepositAccount ./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build in /Users/azrul/Documents/GitHub/Ebanking-JHipster-Kafka-Vault/GatewayKafka ./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build in /Users/azrul/Documents/GitHub/Ebanking-JHipster-Kafka-Vault/Transaction You can deploy all your apps by running the following kubectl command: bash -f [OR] If you want to use kustomize configuration, then run the following command: bash -k Use these commands to find your application's IP addresses: kubectl get svc gatewaykafka INFO! Congratulations, JHipster execution is complete!
- We will be using the Jib version. Point your command line console to $PROJECTS/DepositAccount
- Run the command below. This will push DepositAccount to Docker Hub.
>./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build
- Then, go to $PROJECTS/GatewayKafka and run the command below. This will push GatewayKafka to Docker Hub.
> ./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build
- Lastly, go to $PROJECTS/Transaction and run the command below. This will push Transaction to Docker Hub.
>./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:build
- Then, go back $PROJECTS/k8s and run the command below. This will pull all three images above into our Kubernetes cluster.
> bash -f
- To verify if the micro-services are deployed properly and running, run the command:
>kubectl get pods
- You will see the result below. Note that we deploy each micro-service, its corresponding database and also JHipster registry.
Testing micro-services
- Firstly, we need to install JQ. JQ is a tool that allow us to grep json data. JQ distribution can be found here
- Recall our architecture. In order for us to call the Transaction micro-service, we have to go through our Gateway. Recall also that we have chosen JWT authentication when we created our Gateway. Run the command below to create a token for such access. The token will be exported into a variable called TOKEN. Note that we are using the default admin user and password. We should create proper users for production.
> export TOKEN=`curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "password": "admin", "rememberMe": true, "username": "admin" }' 'https://localhost:8080/api/authenticate' | jq -r .id_token`
- To verify the token, run:
> echo $TOKEN
- You should get the response like below
> echo $TOKEN eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9...AE2w
- Firstly, we may want to create 2 deposit accounts that we can debit from and credit too. Use the curl command below. We will create an account with the account number 1111 with 10000 as balance.
> curl -X POST "https://localhost:8080/services/depositaccount/api/deposit-accounts" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d "{ \"accountNumber\": \"1111\", \"balance\": 10000, \"openingDate\": \"2020-10-17T11:55:02.749Z\", \"productId\": \"DEPOSIT\", \"status\": 0}" {"id":1001,"accountNumber":"1111","productId":"DEPOSIT","openingDate":"2020-10-17T11:55:02.749Z","status":0,"balance":10000}
- Then create the second account. The account number is 2222 with the balance of 0
> curl -X POST "https://localhost:8080/services/depositaccount/api/deposit-accounts" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d "{ \"accountNumber\": \"2222\", \"balance\": 0, \"openingDate\": \"2020-10-17T11:55:02.749Z\", \"productId\": \"DEPOSIT\", \"status\": 0}" {"id":1002,"accountNumber":"2222","productId":"DEPOSIT","openingDate":"2020-10-17T11:55:02.749Z","status":0,"balance":0}
- Now is the moment of truth. Let us transfer 10 from account 1111 to account 2222
> curl -X POST "https://localhost:8080/services/transaction/api/transaction-kafka/transfer" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d "{ \"amount\": \"10\", \"finalBalance\": \"\", \"fromAccountNumber\": \"1111\", \"toAccountNumber\": \"2222\"}" {"fromAccountNumber":"1111","toAccountNumber":"2222","amount":"10","finalBalance":"9990.00"}
- Notice that the finalBalance field is now 9990.
- You can also run the curl command below to find out the current balance of both accounts:
> curl -X GET "https://localhost:8080/services/depositaccount/api/deposit-accounts" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
You will get the reply below:
[ { "id": 1001, "accountNumber": "1111", "productId": "DEPOSIT", "openingDate": "2020-10-17T12:22:57.494Z", "status": 0, "balance": 9990 }, { "id": 1002, "accountNumber": "2222", "productId": "DEPOSIT", "openingDate": "2020-10-17T12:22:57.494Z", "status": 0, "balance": 10 } ]
We started with a simple architecture where we want to send an encrypted message (and receive a response) from one micro-service to another.
We have explored Kafka, installing it too Kubernetes. We have also explored Vault and play around with its functionalities.
Finally, we created 2 micro-services and send an encrypted message from one to another and receive a reply. This concludes our tutorial
The full application can be accessed here: