Secure access via Teleport
Datasirpi uses Teleport for safely accessing Kubernetes clusters, servers, and databases
Teleport is a modern, cloud-native PAM, designed for distributed teams running applications on distributed infrastructure. This means that Teleport users can remotely access any servers or VMs of their organization, from any device, from any location, regardless with cloud a server is located in, including behind-NAT environments, without the need for a VPN.
features of Teleport are
Adding Database:
we can add databases to teleport using the below steps
? enabled: "yes"
? databases:
? - name: "datasirpi-nonprod-app-mysql-db-master"
??? description: "non-prod MySQL"
??? protocol: "mysql"
??? uri: ""
??? static_labels:
????? env: non-prod
? - name: "datasirpi-dev-app-mysql-db-master"
??? description: "Dev MySQL"
??? protocol: "mysql"
??? uri: ""
??? static_labels:
????? env: dev:
Adding application :
we can add the application to teleport by the below steps
??? - name: "keycloak
????? uri: ""
????? public_addr: ""
????? labels:
??????? env: "nonprod"
????? commands:
????? - name: "os"
??????? command: ["/usr/bin/uname"]
??????? period: "5s""
Now we can use a single solution to access your SSH servers, Kubernetes clusters, databases, desktops, and web applications. Teleport will remove VPN from your infra stack !!