Secular LGBTQi+ Values of Freedom Versus Religious Freedom: Collision Course
Mohamed Ahmed
Executive Director Average Mohamed Organization, Communication specialist for Republican People of Color PAC. 2020 State Department Citizen Diplomat, 2018 Global Ties Citizen Diplomat, Bush Foundation Fellow
A recent video of a survey asking public school kids to define themselves in Pronouns has caused a stir among the believing communities of Faith. Disinformation is running rampant in America. Belief that this is a concerted campaign of a process to turn kids into LGBTQi member community. Disinformation disseminated that says American Public schools can turn kids LGBTQi+ and hide it from the parents to protect the kid. This has caused an uproar in some communities of Faith across America. The latest community is the Minnesota Muslim community. The community went to their spiritual umbilical cords and packed mosques to discuss this issue. Minnesota Muslims came up with a solution. Some decided that getting their kids out of public schools into their own schools created that do not ask pronouns and other things about sexuality.?
Coming from communities where conservative values of belief that sees LGBTQi+ not through the prism of Secularism but sin. According to values of religious understanding.
This trend to want to self-segregate to preserve culture and religious values is not unique to the Muslim community. The conservative Christians and Jews have already started to segregate their community from the public schooling system. Muslims are late comers, but the trend is gaining momentum across America.
There is a legitimate question of values in America. Whose values supersede when one believes their religious understanding is important facet of who they are as a people. When secular norms and religious norms collide? Which value has supremacy in America?
Congress just passed bipartisan the Marriage law. Corporations have taken up the mantle of being LGBTQ+ inclusive. Our laws of the land said at one time black and brown people were not equals to whites. Told LGBTQi in a previous age do not be seen or be heard.??Told the Irish and dogs not allowed. Told the Germans and Scandinavians you are enemy aliens in America during wars of previous age. Women were second class citizens without full rights. Tells American Muslims post 9/11 terrorist attacks meant being profiled is the norm. All these things done under the law.
America comes upon a concept that if all are to be free it is just not those like us but all of us. Hence laws on the books to protect all from discrimination of sexuality, race, religion, or any other marker. That America is the land of the Free people. You are free to worship as you want as all are free to live as they want. If it does the other no harm.?
There is a divide coming that if not addressed and amicably resolved we shall have many Americas. That could be a good thing to each their own, but will all be for all is the question we ask?
Conservative believers say they cannot walk away from their faith and understanding of it. Secularists say we cannot either walk away from the laws of the land. That means then we each get to decide which law applies to each of us. That would be anarchy.
We understand that education and the right information is important. LGBTQi are human beings. Belief in an awesome God as you see fit is human too. This is a conundrum now. Faith versus secularism
Which freedom will it be? America is at a crossroad. Religious Freedom versus Secular freedom understanding. We the people are messing it up this conversation with disinformation and vitriol of haters leading the dialogue.
Will a segregated America still be America as we break apart the bonds that put all our kids together in diversity of all things while each kept respectively to their own values.??That is a conversation America needs to have without hate or animosity, finger pointing or enmity: Rationally.
Are we United, indivisible under God one Nation. Or do we need a new definition for our age?
Let this divide not be a breakdown. Disinformation and misunderstanding will only inflame hate. Hate serves no one. Hate of religious belief of others or LGBTQi community. That would be disastrous for all.
That dialogue needs the right information and issues raised not disinformation. For our American peoples going forward. How we talk to each other is now very important. Starting with brave voices that take on the disinformation of the other is the enemy. We are of the American race, lets teach our children that at the very least. Love one another is a principle of all, not exclusivity of thinking and self-segregation. We have a country to build together conservative religious folks and our LGBTQi+ communities. Secularist and people of faith all for one and one for all, it starts with honest conversations to learn of each other not isolation. We are all human beings deserving respect, dignity, and compassion such is the way forward. It takes courage to do so instead of isolating our communities ourselves in self segregation, that is a recipe for disaster. For the sake of our republic and democracy. We will not exclude one community for another. No Exception, No Exclusion.