Sector-Focused Networking, HELP with American Made Climate Accelerator Grant, Strategic Sponsorship Opportunities and Startup Tank Announcement The local-to-global community for climate DOERs moving the world forward!
Helping ALL climate DOERs & ALL stakeholders connect, collaborate and drive climate & environmental impact at scale!
First and foremost: Our thoughts go out to everyone in Israel and Ukraine - Stay safe!
Announcing Climate Techies Networking Meetups
Part 1. Online Bi-Monthly Sector Networking Calls!
Are you looking to meet more likeminded folks in your sector to explore potential synergies, partnerships & collaboration? If so, our Strategic Sector-Focused Networking Sessions might be for you.
We decided to launch this Member-Only initiative to help Climate Techies connect with the investors, corporates, fellow founders and SMEs in their space because collaboration MASSIVELY accelerates impact and we wanted to create an incredible opportunity for our paying members to get even more value out of membership and our community.
But we’re offering free trial sessions of our upcoming Sector Networking Sessions in case you want to join 24 other folks focused on Sustainable Supply Chain or Transit & EVs or Energy & Electrification and see for yourself the value of becoming a full Climate Techies Members (only $10/mo or $100/yr currently but increasing to $12/mo or $120 per year in 2024)
Join Our Exclusive Member-Only Sector Calls
(Free for 1st 25 attendees - use Coupon Code in Checkout)
NOTE: Please ONLY sign up if you can & will attend as you’re be taking the spot away from someone else!
Upcoming Bi-Monthly Networking Sessions by Sector:
And we are continually adding new sector-focused sessions as well as networking sessions for Climate VCs so we sure to Follow Us on Eventbrite to never miss a thing.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After the first session, these events will repeat every 8 weeks for Members-Only. Sign up today to unlock these and tons of other Member Perks - more details here
Part 2: In-Person Climate Techies City Meetups!
Want us to launch a casual Climate Techies monthly meetup in your city?
Btw, we’ve already got limited-invite events planned in NYC and Atlanta so we sure to RSVP while there’s space.
Please Help Us Win a US American Climate Accelerator Grant
We’re going after another climate grant to help win running and scaling our Partner in Clime Accelerator and would really appreciate your support!
Do you believe our 1-to-1, ultra-hands-on and growth-focused approach to helping climate tech & sustainability companies is meaningful and needs to exist in the world?
If so, please take 1 min to fill out this short survey so that we can demonstrate to the DOE grant committee that we deserve funding to support the growth, commercialization and scaling of critical climate tech solutions, both in the US and globally. Here’s the link and thank you for your help!
Strategic Sponsorship Opportunities to Access 14k+ Climate Techies
Is your corporation, VC fund, consultancy, conference or initiative looking for sustainability-oriented exposure to 1000s of climate startups, investors, corporates & ecosystem partners?
If so, becoming a strategic sponsorship partner with 4WARD.VC and Climate Techies could quite synergistic and value-add for you and your company to access our massive community of 14k+ engaged Climate Techies.
Interested? Click here to request more information and access our Interested Sponsor Overview to learn more about potential sponsorship options with 4WARD.
UPDATE: Changing The Startup Tank to Monthly
As part of our effort to drive great impact as well as deliver extreme value to our Climate Techies Members, we’ve decided to reduce the frequency of our Startup Tank sessions to monthly to both uplevel the quality for all participants and investors as well as have more resources to dedicate to our exclusive Member-Only sessions and value creation (see above sessions).
TLDR: The Startup Tank will air at 5-7pm CET on the 1st Monday of the month
Want to apply for an upcoming session? for more details.
Climate Techies Membership Note
The grace period for non-paying members will end in Jan 2024, at which point we’ll then begin removing non-members from premium Whatsapp groups, database listings, email lists etc..
NOTE: So please secure your membership ASAP and if you are already in our Climate Techies database, you can just submit your membership payment here without having to complete entire signup form and we’ll do the rest :)
Wondering why we decided to start charging?
Building and running one of the largest climate tech communities globally has a TON of costs and effort associated + tens of thousands of hours on my part personally, let alone our team...?
And founders/VCs/corporates… do you give your product and 1000s of hours away free to your all of clients?
We NEED 4WARD.VC to be sustainable if we’re going to help drive sustainable change and action for all.
Plus, if membership isn’t worth at least 10x the $100/yr cost with all the resources, partnerships, JVs, networking, events etc… and time you should be saving, you’re not leveraging our community & platform very effectively. It’s time to get to work hustling and making things happen through collaboration!
Random Member Shoutout!
Congrats to Ben Lindsay, angel investor and Climate Tech VC at Investible for being this weeks’s Official Random Member Shoutout winner as well as one of our 1st official members and backers.
Investible is an early-stage venture capital firm backing the visionaries advancing humanity through technology across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Want to get your company featured? We do Random Member Shoutouts every week to our 11k+ subscribers - all you have to do is be a member. For more information and to sign up, please visit:
Thank you?for supporting us in making our efforts and organization sustainably able to help you and the climate community forward together!
Subscribe now
PS.?4WARD.VC's "Partner in Clime" Accelerator?and?The Startup Tank Climate Investor Pitch Show?are?always looking for great early stage climate deal flow and would love it if you'd pass along interesting companies
And if you're an early stage climate startup looking for funding, that's an open invite to apply?:)