Secrets of Success
At DowDaddy we have taught thousands of individuals the techniques of trading.
Our coaches have traded for themselves and also have trained others in highly successful investment companies such as Merrill Lynch, UBS, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.
These are the A predators of the trading food chain. In this business if you are not at the top then you get eaten.
The truth is that we can teach you just about all the best winning techniques the pros use in ONE WEEK at our Personal Workshops or a little longer in our Online Training Courses.
Do you think that once you learned the setups you will begin to make a quarter of a million dollars per year?
Read the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, it might change your mind.
Yes there is very big money to be made day trading; that is why it attracts the "BRIGHTEST AND THE BEST."
But that is your competition.
Why doesn't everyone achieve the same results?
In our experience it all comes down to:
- Dedication
- Psychological Foundation of the trader
- Quality of the Practice
We are experts in the Professional techniques of the Proximity Coalition Method.
This goes beyond the one setup to riches claims that you will find.
Leave that to the amateurs.
Learning "one magic setup" or watching one aspiring trading guru post his or her "winning trade" guarantees failure.
Imagine law school teaching students how to prepare a contract in 3 weeks and giving out law degrees.
Doesn't work in trading either.
What we do is train the trader for total success.
We have experts specializing in psychological preparation including Performance Hypnosis.
Of course we teach setups--the ones that have worked for us and the best hedge funds for decades.
We are not done.
You need to practice. By that we mean supervised practice.
How often a trader opens a simulated account, makes $10,000 on the sim account, and starts trading cash the next week . . .
. . .And blows out the account next week.
We will show you a better way.
Every trade you take will be reviewed.
You will know where you stand before risking precious capital.
Prove to yourself today that you finally can realize your goals of success and independence.
We want you to be happy and successful. Don't take our word for the results:
Check out our real time results: How we do tomorrow and the day after. Everyone out there tells you how much they made in the past. We will not insult your intelligence.
Before you take our expert course check us out for one month.