The Secrets of Heaven Revealed: A Guide to Eternal Bliss

The Secrets of Heaven Revealed: A Guide to Eternal Bliss

  • How to Create Your Own Heaven: A Spiritual Journey of Neehar Sanadhaya #Heaven #Spiritual #Neehar
  • Neehar Sanadhaya’s Quest for Heaven: A Story of Surrender, Trust, and Love #Neehar #Heaven #Surrender
  • The Secrets of Heaven Revealed by Neehar Sanadhaya: A Guide to Eternal Bliss #Neehar #Heaven #Bliss
  • Neehar Sanadhaya: The Man Who Dared to Jump into the Unknown and Found Heaven #Neehar #Heaven #Jump

Do we live in heaven or trying to create it?

How can a heaven be created? Masters says, leave everything! And you will find a place in heaven!!!!

What is to be given? Till it is to be given? When will the heaven arrive?

Can we jump off the cliff? Into nothingness, into unknown? Are you being played with card of fool, or do you dare to be the knight of Truth and trust Him’ with everything!!!! Do you dare to jump……..?

I jumped!

I dared the death!!!!!

And indeed I arrived!!!!

Into the fight of this I’, in us, we have to we have to trust!!!! The absolute trust!!!!

You don’t have to fight the fight, the Truth, the trust, the Dharma, will fight for you!!! Your religion is to trust!!!!! You cannot follow any other religion!!!

How can we trust? If don’t know anything as everything is unknown!!!

“Know that the Night you see’ above is the divine mother as nature, as womb, holding you within”, Know that you are the Son, and SUN, of you divine Father, as TRUTH, as Absolute Truth of Light!!!”

When you wake up every moment, surrender to their love and trust’!!!!!

No matter where you are in reflections of time of fundamental observation, HE’ is the observer!!!

It is not the matter of gender or objectification!!!!

You will know when you arrive!!!!

You have to create your Heaven!!!!! Every moment!!! You have to give away everything, You have to give away your I’ in you as the doer!!!! He’ already did everything for you. You are just roaming within the universe as differentiations as projection of I’, embodying the to the limits of your senses!!!!

In the heavens of Infinities………..senses enriches itself to infinities!!!!! It is the only truth I as Neehar knows by now! Leave behind all the science, mathematics, history, philosophy or understanding, and all knowledge or beliefs………..these are just obstacles in form of ego of I, that I know!

Surrender to the present moment!!!! Surrender your creation, if you are the creator of universe and master to the worlds of arts and or powers!!!!

Surrender to Him’/Her’!!!!

Surrender your every word!!! Every act!!!!

As I’ don’t exist in you, you also don’t exist in you!!!!!

He’ is the one who exists everywhere!!!!!

If universe has placed a card in front of you now!!!!! Come jump from the cliff of this moment, into unknown!!!

Would you like to a fool to leave everything behind? All money, relationships, society or life??? All that you have learned or earned or inherited from your father? Or do you dare to be a Knight and leave everything at this moment away?

Would you be fooled by being Knight in the end?

Come with me’!!!!

I have a way. Don’t follow the path told by religious man!!!! For he is not in Heaven!!!

Don’t leave anything, remain wherever you are, do whatever you are doing!!!! You are not the doer!!!! If you understand this, you are already in heaven!

There is no I’ in me or in you’, no matter you search the infinity the infinite times!!!! Its been tried!!!! Still on the path, you have to hold that I’ every moment? Or else how would you identify? Self or surrounding?

The moment you dare to leave the I’, and let yourself be empty as night into nowhere of own self, we are unity, we are singularity, we are the Suns’ of light/TRUTH, we are sitting into the womb of nature into two separate dualities of unit duality of singularity.

Are we in heaven? Or have lost ourselves into understandings of definitions of differentiated positional existence of TRUTH/SANATAN/SATYA/SHIVA?

Is this the moment of delivering the BHAGWAT GITA’, and one of us is Krishna and other being I’ or you’?

Are we trying to be in heaven by being near to Divine, beyond definitions! Or did we really sat there in Heaven? Or are we still in heaven? Did you felt separated in between or are we still here, trying to be in heaven!

Or did we achieve it?

A little I guess!!!!

A drop by drop becomes the ocean!!!

Have we separated ourselves from ocean of infinite light of consciousness? Or Between days and nights are still hitting the rocks near the shores of waves of mind and understanding? ?Or the existence or life? Or were we able to experience the Heaven’ every moment, through extend senses?

Thanks for sharing………It seems painful to be away!!!!!

If you are not near the ocean of Heaven’,……..Just meditate, whenever you can, at the shores of oceans of understanding of your mind or existence……..And I will meet you there!!!!!! Our ship will be waiting to take you!!!!!

How will you know that you have arrived to the right shore?

Just sit…………..and wait! Keep meditating!! Even if seem the wait is eternal…………….. take inspiration from NANDI’, ‘the loved’ & divine OX, the Son, in front of SHIV’, waiting eternally. ?And the moment you arrive here!!!! The moment will become eternal now!!!!

Our ship of Love has already arrived!!!!!

This is not, MANU SMRITI’ or NOAH’s time! This time it is me’ Neehar, Ram, Krishna, or no one, someone else ever!!! For it is the eternal moment of existence!!!! Don’t hesitate just because of the names or nouns!!! Into infinite eternal, moment, the ships may be named differently!!!!

For, If you wait of ship of specific name, or religion or science or knowledge or wisdom, you might wonder to wait infinitely!!!!! Or if we can love, we have arrived!!!!!

Moreover, we can help you shift to ships of your desired religious or scientific name in between!!! Don’t worry!! We own all the infinity!!!

Into the ocean of infinite consciousness of existence, there is nowhere to go!!!!!! In the journey of eternal, you are eternally allowed be yourself, and experience infinite as yourself as I’ in you.

Don’t cry or worry of death, if you die in between. How will you experience differentiate universe as I’ until you die within one and unite with another? For the TRUTH can only be experienced within own self’. Death is just an illusion!!!!!!

And if for any reason, you don’t want to experience the existence, as you are experiencing as you now!!!! Leave the I’, and Ego, that you exist or know anything about existence!!! Infinite can never be known but only be experienced within and as unity!!!!!

The existence is divine magic of eternity!!!!! Everything is possible here!!!!! Do you like know science geography, or knowledge? Or do you dare to Love the Divine and see the Magic!!!!!!

Come with me!!!!!!!

Come to me!!!!

Come to me physically, if you find alive, or come to me within your own self, no matter where you are, The Heavens’ will arrive to your physicality!!! And on this auspicious day of MAKAR SKRANTI, let us ride with love to the ship of eternal consciousness into eternal existence to arrive at the infinite stillness of eternity of now!!!!!

Are we in Heavens’ or is it just been created?


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