"The SECRETS of Flight, The SECRETS of Success"
In 1903, something historic happened which never happened before; the first plane made its debut in the air. How did it happen? What did Orville and Wilbur Wright discover that others either overlooked or just didn't know? Did they take notes from Thomas Edison and his light bulb? Did they consult with Henry Ford? Or did they test a theory over and over again until they achieved what they first envisioned? "The Secrets of Flight, The Secret of Success" reveals specific elements which contributed to the success of flying in 1903. These secrets are relative and applicable today, even in your own personal or business life; if you are willing to take them to heart and apply them in your own personal or professional life.
The first secret was that they were both Determined. In life, if you are going to be successful, you're going to have to be Determined to reach your goals and achieve your objectives. Many times people give up and lose heart during the process, but you've got to be Determined to reach the finish line. Just like failure, giving up is not an option. Did you know that in most races, that recognition is given at the end of the race, only to those who finish the race. The last person who finishes is just as important as the first one to cross the finish line.
The second secret was the secret of Consideration. They took into Consideration others' failures and mistakes, as well as others' successes as they came close to flight. You've heard the saying before just as I have, "If at first you don't succeed, then try, try, try again." This is so true. In life, you cannot repeat the same mistakes as others and expect success. You must take into Consideration or yield to their mistakes and try not to repeat them, but learn from them. An excellent example of this principle is one of playing golf, which teaches you not to make the same mistakes. If you're playing with another person besides yourself, if you watch them make a mistake and miss a putt due to an incorrect assessment of the green or failure to read the green properly, don't make the same mistake as opposed to making the putt. Adjustments must be made and they are made when you give proper Consideration to the efforts of others.
The third secret of flight is that of Observation. You can learn a lot through Observation. In fact I myself, actually learned how to drive a car through Observation. This is more or less a scientific term, which is used in most laboratories. The Wright Brothers observed the fact that the wind played a major role in lift. They put together speed and wind, they were able to achieve lift. Yes, the first flight was achieved by traveling 852 feet in a span of 59 seconds. I call it the 852/59 Rule. Fifty-Nine seconds is one second short of a minute. Think of your own person life; what can you get done in 59 seconds, that could change your life forever? Many times we waste valuable minutes, yet alone, valuable seconds. They achieved something in 59 seconds that has been perfected and is now done in hours and days. What talents, abilities and gifts rest inside of your loins which are awaiting to be discovered Right NOW?
Finally, they recognized the importance of Balance and Control. I've read somewhere where it says, "consider the fowls of the air." They did just that by observing how they had balance in the air (the birds) and how they established control in the air. today, I challenge you to discover the secrets in your own endeavors: personal and in business. There lies and waits for you, the answers of tomorrow, based on the questions of Today. You are the scientists who will discover more Secrets that are expecting you to appear one day to blow the dust off of them. These, my friend, are the SECRETS of Flight, The SECRETS of Success.
You are Success and I Am,
Corey P. Dunlap, World Class Speaker