The Secret to Writing Better Sales Copies in 2020
Copywriting is going to make the quantum difference in your marketing results.

The Secret to Writing Better Sales Copies in 2020

I have a confession. Over the years of training, coaching and consulting, you want to know one of the skills that is hardest to teach?


Sure, I can give you some templates, fill-in-the-blank cheatsheets and even my entire swipe files collection. Just like how I usually tell my participants and clients at the start of my copywriting training modules, here's the BIGGEST problem with those hacks:

You will tend to copy.

Now, I’m ok with copying. 

After all, as the saying goes, success leaves a trail, right? As a matter of fact, some of the best innovations we’ve seen in recent years (some say the last 2 decades) are all results of creative copying. 

Copywrite… Copyright… Copy”right”….? Get it? Get it? (bad pun)

The problem with copying when it comes to copywriting is this: Banner Blindness.

Cute... but trying picking the cutest?

You see, one of the main objectives of good copywriting is to capture attention (the others are Befriend and Convert, but it all starts with Attract). Attraction requires you to “stand out”. In the sea of copycats, where everyone is using the same style of headlines and catchy titles, for the consumer, over time, it will all look the same (even if you argue that your products and services are better than your competitors).

Hence, banner blindness!

Of course, you may be one of the lucky few if your competitors are not sophisticated enough yet; they are still using terrible headlines and “over salesy” Call-To-Actions (CTA). You may have the advantage now, but how can you ensure that you will continue to maintain that edge you have? 

Imagine this: You’re ahead in the race, and it's a great feeling. You look ahead and there's nothing but you and the tracks. The crow - your customers - are clapping and cheering. But aren’t you tired of constantly looking back over your shoulder to make sure you’re at a "safe distance" from the rest of the pack? And you swear every time you turn your head around, that "safe distance"? It's getting closer and tighter. Hint: Most of the time, it’s not that you’re running slower, but it’s because they are really, really catching up.

You're ahead of the race... but how long can you keep it up?

In business, you are in a race as well.

Whatever edge you have right now, it can be copied, and often, it can be executed better.

Now, what if I tell you there's a way you can stay ahead of the game and never have to look back at the competitors you left behind, and it requires only a small but powerful shift in your mindset, think you're up for it?

So here’s the proposition for you:

If you want to write better sales copies, start by telling better stories.

Once Upon A Time… in My Business? Really?

Usually, when I mention storytelling, many entrepreneurs and business owners would go like:

“Won’t that make my sales copies longer?”

“But... but... but... we’re not selling to children.”

“Mav, if I put a fairy tale in my business pitch, I don’t think people will take me seriously.”

Ok, I hear you, but let’s look at those objections one at a time, shall we?

Objection #1: Long Sales Copies are Bad


You’ve probably watched Avengers: Endgame, the highest-grossing movie of all time. At 3 hours and 2 minutes, with the intense back-to-back action, prolonged 10-year built-up, and deep connections with the characters we have grown up with and loved, most of us left the cinema wanting more. It didn't only felt long, heck! We would have sat in for another hour! 

And it has a magical effect on our bodies too! Did you realize that throughout the tale of twists, trials and triumphs, your bladder magically grew in capacity... so much so that you didn’t even think about peeing?

No, it’s not some Marvel Disney combo magic. It’s just because the story was so compelling that it captures 100% of your attention, and you even ignore the fact that you need to unload your urine.

And if you can recall, it’s not just that particular movie. There had been some movies or TV series that you could stay glued to the screen for hours at a time. And the cramps you had are proofs of that.

Let’s look at the reverse scenario, shall we?

Remember those boring, time-stopping, semi-wrist-cutting lectures by the worst lecturers on Earth? You suddenly have to pee after 15 minutes (and every 15 after that).

One of the biggest myths when it comes to great sales copies is that it has to be short.

I would cringe when I head “gurus” say stuff like “Keep your headline lesser than 7 words”. While punchy titles are good, you won’t arrive at those sexy short phrases if you don’t start by writing longer ones. I often see business owners drafting down a really good headline, and discard it immediately just because it’s longer than 7 words.

Bear in mind, some of the best selling books of all time have some of the longest titles as well (and quite a mouthful too):

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  3. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin
  4. What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Arlene Eisenberg and Heidi Murkoff

So, suspend that belief that sales copies have to be short, and don’t let it cripple you from writing genuinely effective marketing materials. Start your draft without the word counting, because remember, you can always edit it later. If something is really catchy and impactful but long no matter how you try to trim it, just test with it and let the public decide.

Objection #2: Adults Don’t Like Stories

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If that’s true, the world will be very dull the moment we hit puberty. Stories had always been a form of entertainment, regardless if they are books, movies, podcasts or a series of infographics.

Seriously, when was the last time you didn’t have your interested piqued when you heard these five words,

“Let me tell you a story.”

So no, it’s not whether stories are appropriate for adults. It’s how you link the stories to your business offerings. It’s how you merry the Entertainment and Engagement with Effectiveness.

Think about it. Case studies are one form of storytelling. Testimonials are another. Even articles where you interview delighted customers and industry experts are essentially tales littered with emotions, challenges and moments of triumphant.

So, screw this objection. The focus now is on how to make your stories as interesting as possible to your target audiences. (which we will get to in a bit)

Objection 3: Stories Means It's Not Serious


We’ve already established above that adults like stories. Now, one of the myths that people have about stories it that it’s always the Once Upon A Time and They Lived Happily Ever After. That’s just one style the story is being told.

As a matter of fact, there are many ways the same information can be narrated.


The late Steve Jobs was regarded as one of the best presenters of our time, and if you look back at his past speeches and product launches, Steve always had a way with making the most boring facts enjoyable.

Instead of saying the MP3 player has 4GB of space, which frankly, is just a number to most of us, he said it can hold 2000 songs.

Instead of saying the MacBook Air was 1cm thick, he took it out from your average manila envelope. 

Instead of boasting about how Maps integrate well with the iPhone, he ordered 4000 Starbucks Coffee after searching for the nearest outlet on the device.

As Steve and many other great presenters have proven, it’s never about the features of your products or service. Instead, it’s how you can make it "relatable" to your target audiences in the most straightforward way. And the most effective way? Use stories.

Ok, Ok. I'm Sold That I Need To Use Stories. 

So now you’re slightly open or maybe even convince that stories are your best friends when it comes to crafting powerful, high converting marketing copies. In the next article, we will look at what makes a good story, how to link it to your business, and most importantly, how to use it to make your brand stick in the minds of your most profitable audiences.

p.s. You know that friend or colleague that is struggling to craft catchy marketing materials to grow their business? Yes, the one who's always complaining that their sales copies are boring and not converting? Let's work together to help him or her out. Tag them in the comment below, or just share this piece with them. They will appreciate you for it. I know I would. :)

Lace Teoh

Meta, Google & TikTok Performance Marketer | Accounts Manager at Heroes of Digital

5 年

Mas Shaari This is a gold mine.


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