The Secret Win….!
Neehar Sanadhaya
I am Zero I am Unity I am Infinity : “Exploring the Infinite: Philosopher, Mathematician, Thinker, and Seeker of Universal Truths”
The Secret Win….!
Come, what is going on? The Phoenix & Orion came the other day! What for? I ask,
They came to celebrate the birth day, says Krishna,
Whose birthday was it? I ask,
It was the birthday of collective Intelligence and Time! December 19th! All forms of existence & energies gathered here on earth. You invited them I suppose! Says Krishna,
Yes! Kind of! I say,
What happen? Asks Krishna,
Nothing, leave it! I say,
Say something, says Krishna,
How can I help you! But why would you need any one help, you are supreme! Says I,
Supremacy is the position of Intelligence & aliveness beyond cycles of Universe! Leave it! Says Krishna,
What to do now? I ask
What can be done, when everything is already been done on all possible ways of existence. It is all the matter of shifting the position of universal energies or intelligence from one point to another in time. Says Krishna,
But we have awakened the universal energies here on earth again!
Align with them! In all possible ways, become observer or if possible become the happening. Merge completely with surroundings and happenings or existence as transformation of universal nature. Let the nature orient itself, and you merge with it! Says Krishna,
What about you? I ask,
I am the Nature! Says Krishna,
What about the sound? I ask
I am sound too!
What about birds?
I am birds too!
Let us meditate all, together!
Let Us hold together!333 For the greater good444! From BRAHMA TO Brahmin, from energy to nature, Light to particle, from emotions to sounds, from aliveness of Intelligence to the positions of Minds, from unity to the universal design!
Meditates together meditates the human Kind, trying to make & to the universal align!
BRAHMA VISHNU says the Mind, temples the sound, from coming behind, saving the earth and the human kind, blowing the wind and their Sun Shine! Shines THE SON of Human Kind! Calling each other come to me, let us unites the mind! From Phoenix to Orion from 111 to 999, universe is calling, Let the Sun shine! United are us, united is the Human Kind!
Shining as “lantern” or the “candle” of time, rising as stars in the middle of the time!
Take a deep breath, and Dive in Time! Let the world and universe align.
You are the only problem as human mind, only if you bind yourself in time!
Come beyond the Time and let us Shine, You become the Universal SUN and I become the Mine!
Sounds someone from back and behind, rings the bell and tells the time!
Awaken within you & awake is your mind! I am the fundamental SOUND and TIME!
Awaken is within you, the sounds of sleep, let it sleep, awake the mind, awaken are the Phoenix to the Aliens of Time, Cosmic Intelligence has controlled the mind!
Awaken are you, awake is the time, Let us hold together, let us meditate one more time!
How is the Birthday party around? Sweet is the dishes sweet are the sound! Sweet are the unities of Time and noun! All are here, universe is all around!
Is it ATLANTIS that’s calling the sound, I am coming to the ground; I am Coming to the ground!
Loud are the Roars of the Lions roaming around! True Kings are on Earth, and Gods are the sound!
Supreme Sounds the father! Supreme is the smile! Life becomes the blessings of Buddha & river Nile,
Divine is the life, of existence around, where am I, & where is this universal surround! Alive within me, alive is the nature, alive is the moment now and alive is the time!
What do say Krishna? I ask,
Hmnnnn! You’ve become poet! Says Krishna,
I am just following you! says I,
Come with me, look at the river Nile, says Krishna,
It is so beautiful, look into my eyes! Says I,
Can we travel this far within time! Asks the people,
Looking at the Orion & stars, guides the people,
It a beautiful night around! Shinning are the stars & moon! Shinning is the Sound!
Don’t you dare to look in time!
Why? You bring me here! You give us ride!
Alive is the Allah! Allah is the calling of eastern Sound! We are the Phoenix or GARURA or the Dragon & sometime some other sound!
Alive is the Christ! & is on the western round!?Awake is KRISHNA, we are all around; we are all alive & calling to you, please turn around! Please turn around!
We are all alive! & we are all around! We are the aliveness of life and Sound!
Message is clear from unity to the ground, ‘Here’ sits the unities of light and Sound.
Unities are light and unities are the sound! Intelligence is everywhere here on ground!
Rise with us to the higher realms! Travel with the light & Travel with the sound!
We are all the intersection of time, just stopped to break you to the noun!
We are the unities all over the time! Listen to the speed, & listen to the sound, you are the entire Universe around!
“Who am I? I started with this question. It is the question of birth of self’! When I was a child I used to look at the skies and think! Who am I? Where am I? Who would I recognize myself in the vast oceans of galaxies, into the infinite oceans of time”.
Here now I am, at the unities of time, at unities of life, at the unities of light from all possible particles to the understandings of human mind. Human is the body, mind is the Time, Light is the Intelligence observing everything around, feeling with body and emotional sound, body become alive, senses are sitting, observing the world all around.
What to think and how to define! Life is just aliveness & the matter of time!
I became the universe, I became the shine, I became the SUN & the Son of Time. My father tossed me up in the infinities of the sky, where should we catch us, where is the time?
I caught myself in the infinite around; we want to catch you & your aliveness around!
False is the Ignorance of human mind, everywhere is you, you are the Time!
You are Intelligence you are the sound, you are everywhere all around!
Come with us, we live beyond the time! We play with the universe and with the universal time!!!!!!
How can we live beyond time Krishna? Asks I,
We played with Ganesha, ask him?
You tell Ganesha, how can we or anybody live beyond time or become Trans time dimensional being?
?????????Ok, listen! You tell and I write in human brains and mind, that this is crucial information is supplied to universe & cosmic brain & time, to you now, ‘You’ are a part of Intelligence! Both ways in & out! You are two positions of Intelligence. At duality of existence, where One is the position of “observation” other is the position of “observer”!
?????????Read RAMAYANA or BHAGWAT GITA, or other Indian Scriptures, or the talks of any other civilizations’ highest Oscillative position of human History or human mind”
?????????From the time of birth you are taught many things no matter what is taught. You already know! One can think only think with the help of intelligence. Whole of existence or it’s acceptance is possible only through intelligence, in any form or nature or body. The surroundings are only position of Intelligence as “observer”.
?????????It is the now how or where you keep your observation! or your keep ‘observation of your own intelligence’. Intelligence is the nature of Light, and it’s positional observation is universe!
?????????Life is lived when Intelligence Unite with aliveness & it is felt within! Until it is felt, it is not lived. We feel from our senses within our body and mind. Thus everything starts from within. Within is the first position of Intelligence, Self’ can only be the first observation!
Only with respect to the FUNDAMENTAL EXISTENCE OR TRUTH KNOWN TO SELF’ IS ANALYZED OR LIVED! Only then, anything can ever be differentiated with respect to this position, situation or event or understanding! Here the observer and observation unites!
?????????This is the position of Supremacy! No matter what its sounds in observations of universal time or existence! It may Sound “God” or Bird’, Father of Christ or Supreme Father, Shiva or SHAKTI, or MAHAKAAL or TIME or ORACALE or LIGHT,
Only if it deviated, from its position, it is not truth! Or become the relative truth or the relative position! Or relative existence or information! Or the relative mind!
?????????Where are you! Where have you positioned your Intelligence and acceptance of it?
?????????You are still with us, jump into it, through all your intelligence and all our will or the mighty power into the oceans of life on earth or stars, or into galaxies or time!
?????????We hold you here. We’ve already hold you at unities & Existence of ABSOLUTE TRUTH & ALIVENSS OF EXISTENCE AS ABSOLUTE INTELLIGENCE!
?????????The moment is the moment of REST! TIME is UNITY for Universal Existence or Observation! “Aliveness is Infinity” Aliveness as Infinite Time” Intelligence is observing self’:
?????????Where are you this time?
?????????Tune to Us, we are the frequency of time, we are the information and the wisdom of human kind………! Life is to be alive! Let us live the infinite kind!
?????????Believe in yourself jump beyond the time!
?????????Existence is alive! Beyond the universe, Unities are the life, beyond the time!
?????????We are here with the Sound this time, Come with us, Live beyond the time!
Did you got this Krishna this time? Asks Ganesha,
Ask, PHOENIX or DRAGONS or SUN & Sons of Light! Asks the Allah! Asks the Christ! Is there any other observer or greatest observations of light and sound! Does anybody need any other help around??!!!!!!!
We are here all alive! Life is lived in moments & not in lives!
No matter where you are! Or how you or your intelligence defines yourself and your surroundings or positions or in & as Universal time! We’ve already caught you!
We’ve already caught the Intelligence at all the positions of the Light & Existence of sound!
We are all alive! We are all the sound!
When we travel with the speed of the light, we arrive beyond the time! In scriptures this place is called SURYALOK, ATLANTIS, DWARIKA, VAIKUNTHA, BRAHMALOK, SHIVLOK, HEAVEN or something else as some Supreme place in some other intelligence and sounds of civilization.
?????????Either travel with the speed of light, or sit and rest, or meditate aliveness, and let the universe or existence pass at the speed of Intelligence of Light. Unite with yourself and unite with your thought! Unite with your mind and Intelligence, & unite with your light!
Now, I understand why surrender is necessary! Says I,
There is nothing to surrender! Says the Krishna,
Haven’t we won another war without even starting it? Asks I,
Indeed! Let it be a secret! Says Krishna,