The Secret
Vance G. Larson CHt
Consultant, Coach & Advisor- A healthier version of you is waiting.
I have taken on a whole new case load in my private practice in the past few months. These are not the run of the mill clients. {Not minimizing anyone's journey.} I am talking about people who are facing the most extreme circumstances. Circumstances that many would see too big to overcome. And for many, they would be right. But here is the secret. This secret is what I have used to overcome my life and death battles. The secret I used when responding to a crisis {being an ex crisis counselor of 20 years.} The secret breaks down into one simple saying.
"Discipline shows up on the coldest, darkest, wettest night and say's "I'm still here mother fucker."
Use the same intensity, day in and day out. Yes, of course you should rest. But keep your focus on the"forward". The forward being your future. You can be motivated and not see results. I have written about this in the past. Motivation gets you to the gym January 1st. Discipline keeps you there the entire year. Through the cold winter. To battling the heat during the summer. To the short days of fall. Little daylight, cold and all you want to do is go home after work and grab a beer. Discipline say's "no". Discipline creates an attitude that leads to success. It does not fold at the sight of adversity. It focuses.
I have never met a successful person who was not disciplined. And I have met some {what society would deem} really powerful people. From professional athletes, to CEO's. And you know what? I have met single parents who do more in the course of a day, than many do in 3. How is that possible? Discipline. Because discipline doesn't lose. It keeps going and going until it gets what it wants. Or, until it can no longer go on anymore. I have learned this principle from working with so many military professionals. Let me tell you what makes special forces so special. They out work the problem. How do they do that? Discipline!
"Because discipline shows up on the coldest, darkest, wettest night and say's "I'm still here mother fucker."