The Secret to True Principles
Connie Benjamin
Executive Assistant | Project Manager | Management Consultant 435-429-4672
Have you ever had the feeling that there is more going on in this life than what appears to be, a sense that there really is a higher power? I’ve had this feeling all my life. That feeling took me on a journey in search of answers to my big questions of why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing? My search took me to the faraway land of Indonesia, to spiritual books, churches, and even to sweat lodges. Along the way, I found evidence of a higher power that I could not deny. And yet, I did not have a complete picture of what this life is really about. That is until I learned a key understanding that made all the puzzle pieces fit together. This knowledge answered my big questions and pointed me in the direction of understanding the plan that the universe has for me and how I could work within that plan to create the life I longed for as well as live my purpose. So, what principle did I learn that created such an earth-shattering collaboration with the universe?
The knowledge that helped me become a partner with the Creator was discovering Higher Laws Principles.
What are Higher Laws, you might ask? Higher Laws are very real and tangible. They are a set of laws outlined by the Creator, that when we align to a Higher Law, gives us an alternate result. What I mean is that when we want a result, we need to take an action that is seemingly unrelated but will create the result we want. That works upon a paradox. It’s a pendulum. When you take a long necklace with a pendulum on the bottom and swing it, you complete an action on one side by drawing up the pendulum and then releasing it. What happens next? It swings, right? The action that you take on the one hand creates an alternate response as the pendulum swings up the other side. It’s counterintuitive. If you want the pendulum to go to the left, can’t you simply push the pendulum to the left? You can, but it’s not sustainable because the moment you let go, it’s going to swing to the right. To go in the direction we want to go, we need to take action in what seems unrelated. To create the results we want, we must take the action that is in alignment to the Higher Law that corresponds with the result we want.
To understand how this works, let’s look to the bees. According to the BBC, one-third of all the food we eat is dependent on the bees. [HL1] This is because when bees collect nectar from flowers, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower to another. This pollination is vital in the flowering plant reproducing. This means that the food we eat from crops like apples, almonds, and so many others, rely on the bees. Without the bees, we wouldn’t have these crops, and we wouldn’t have the foods we need to survive. The bees are literally saving our lives.
So what do the bees have to do with Higher Laws Principles? When the bee wakes up in the morning and wants to collect yummy nectar, it is not thinking; I am going to save all the humans today by pollinating their crops. It is just going for the nectar, and in the process, the bees are saving the world. The bee takes an action and gets a life-changing and seemingly unrelated result.