The Secret to Success: A Personal Perspective
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The Secret to Success: A Personal Perspective

Original Publication Date: Thursday, December 8, 2010

Original Title: Secret to Success as I see it...

Earlier this week, someone asked me to write about “the secret to success.” To be honest, this suggestion took me by surprise; how would I condense the meaning of success into a blog entry? Well, here is my attempt based on my own firsthand experiences, which I am sure will not be the same for everyone (but I would love to hear your thoughts):

  • To Love: From my days as a “Coffee Boy” in an office to working at McDonald’s as a “Crew Chief” to being a professional in-house recruiter, I have always loved what I do. Loving the job brings passion, which will translate to confidence. Simply put, if there is no love or if the love is lost, then it is time to move on.
  • To Learn: Learning from past experiences will certainly help with achieving success. Let us face it, there is someone out there that has gone through similar experiences before; so, it is important to seek out how they have dealt with it. It must be remembered that Communication = Discussion = Learning = Success (or failure, depending on the final approach).
  • To Listen: Someone (and I am sorry for forgetting who it was… maybe it was a quote I read somewhere) once told me that “Great News is Good News; Good News is No News; No News is Bad News.” Listening to feedback is hard; however, it is the cornerstone of success. Constructive criticism is hard to accept, but knowing where it comes from will help with reducing the impact. The way I see it, if they did not care, they would not tell me how to improve myself.
  • To Lead: Not being afraid to share or put forward ideas or disagreeing politely in a privileged setting. How often have we seen decisions being made with which we do not agree? But more importantly, how often have we stepped up to diplomatically voice our objections and provide solutions? A leader always consults with others and at the end offers a solution to a problem, otherwise, there is no problem. And that is what I think differentiates a leader from a follower.

Thank you for reading,


PS. what could I have possibly learned from McDonald’s you ask? The 3-C’s: Cleanliness, Co-operation, and Coordination.


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