The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation
" The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation " Mark Twain
A bad mood is hardly a good recipe at work. The ability to be positive is an essential leadership skill and responsibility. Whether you are the boss or the mail man, your positivity is required in the workplace. Try to keep positive towards your job and colleagues. Being a committed professional is all about learning to postpone your negative moods until you are alone.
Choose to be happy at work. We spend a considerable amount of our waking hours at our jobs, so we might as well make it worthwhile. Your happiness is unique to you. You may seek excitement and massive creativity while your friend might appreciate a more quiet work atmosphere. It is important to choose a work situation that appeals to you as a person, fits with your character and, most of all, is in a field you are passionate about. Not only do we absent ourselves from long hours at home, but we also often bring the tiredness, disappointments and even the frustrations of a difficult day at work back to our loved ones. Sometimes the atmosphere at work takes control of our lives in and out of the office.
You are responsible for your own development. Do not hamper your growth by getting involved in petty arguments or gossip in the workplace.
What most of us fail to realize is that we can always quit what we are currently working on and take the risk of following our dream jobs. You might reach your retirement regretting every single moment you sat behind that computer screen, still nurturing a lifelong dream of working in another field. Give yourself the chance of working at what you really enjoy doing, it makes all the difference.
Formal education sharpens skills but seldom taps into your most powerful reserve of all : PASSION. In order to maintain your ambition and momentum, find the job you love or better still, create the work you are passionate about. Work hard but don't forget YOU in the process. The philosophy to be adopted when it comes to our careers is that hard work and long hours should be balanced with leisure activities in order to prevent burnout. Remind yourself to live and enjoy the fruits of your labor, take time off and refresh your mind and body. You will definitely be more energised, less stressed out and certainly more positive.....
Make this day be one of sober reflection. Think about ways to do things better and brainstorm on ways to handle situations smarter. You’ll be fine, I’m sure about it. Have a great day my friends,
Thank you for staying with me,
Warmly regards,
Elias S.