The Secret to Success?
#leadershipdevelopment, #selfleadershipdevelopment, #salessuccess, #salesperformance

The Secret to Success?

Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don't Want!

Want to know a little secret about success?

The power of focus is one of the most important abilities of the mind, it’s the ability to redirect our thought to want we want.

If we want to achieve success in life we need to have the ability to Set a Goal and Stay Focused, but how?

Setting goals help us redirect our focus to what needs to be done, not what we like to do!

A poorly-developed ability to focus will cause life to be difficult. Many tasks will seem impossible.

On the flip side, a properly developed ability to focus causes distractions to become almost nonexistent. Tasks become effortless as you dive in and complete them, one after the other.

In your brain, there lies a peculiar mechanism called the "Reticular Activating System," or "RAS' for short.

This brilliant little system allows you to filter the immense amount of data that is constantly flooding into your brain, in order to find what's important to you.

Your RAS learns your habits of focus, and from that information, it filters all of the data that comes your way on a moment-to-moment basis.

Just like when you bought that new car, before you purchased it you had seen it around, maybe even reviewed it on the internet.

The moment you drive out of the forecourt something amazing happens!

Suddenly, the car is everywhere. It's parked in front of your house. Your boss's husband has one. You see two of them next to you in traffic on your way home from work. The car is even popping up in those ubiquitous commercials during the football game, and you swear up and down they came out of nowhere.

So what exactly is happening here? Did this car suddenly come to dominate your consciousness? Or is your consciousness playing tricks on you?

Your brain seems to be excited by the fact that you've learned something new, and selective attention occurs. Your brain subconsciously thinks, "Hey, that's awesome, my new car! I'm going to look for that thing without actually thinking about it." So now that you're looking for it, you find it.

To make it all the more powerful, confirmation bias occurs after seeing it even once or twice. In other words, you start agreeing with yourself that, yup, you're definitely seeing it more often.

So now imagine doing that with success, being able to focus on what you want, seeing opportunity everywhere and creating your own luck.

Your point of focus also determines the thoughts that occupy your mind, the more dominant the thought the more you focus on them.

Inevitably, if you begin to focus upon these thoughts at a subconscious level (without even really thinking about it) and these thought become your reality and will begin flowing into your mind.

Your focus can be likened to a direct command given to your mind. This tells it what to think about next, and it's important we give the commands that lead to what we want, not what we don’t want.

If you choose to focus on reasons why you can achieve your goals and dreams, you will find them, just like when you bought the new car.

Likewise, if you choose to focus on reasons why you can't achieve your goals, you will find those too.

It really is as simple as looking for what you want to see.

A great number of us go through our lives feeling doomed by so-called "bad luck."

Your thoughts create your reality, and your thoughts are determined by your point of focus.

Begin today to focus only on the things you want to see, such as happiness, love, connectivity, ease and success.

Your life will begin to change at once.

One of the most powerful techniques you can use to ensure your immediate and continued success is to stay focused on what you want - and all aspects of that - and not to give in to worry, doubt, or to the temporary circumstances that might be happening right now in your life.

Setting goals and focusing on them everyday with a defined daily, weekly & monthly plan is the key to laser focus.

I know this sounds simple, but most people find it extremely hard to put into practice as they just don’t know how to set goals, real goals, goals that help redirect the mind.

To start with, while everyone understands the importance of goal setting, and many of you may even have goals now, what usually happens after the excitement wears off is that reality settles in.

You may have a goal to earn a certain amount of money, or drive a different type of car, etc, but after you receive a few checks that seem to be about the same, or after you get back into your old car for a few months, have you ever found that you forget about your goal and just start accepting that things are probably going to remain the same?

Have you ever attended a motivational seminar or read a motivational book and been fired up for a while? Have you even taken some of the advice and written down your new goals or even taken some action on trying a new marketing plan or diet? If you have, then you've probably experienced the kind of let down that comes from not making progress fast enough and of laying in bed at night worrying about your income or about your future.

In fact, let me ask you right now:

"How much of your thinking is about what you don't want to have happen or about what might happen if something you're trying to accomplish doesn't work out?"

The answer to that one question will always determine your ultimate success.

You see, the secret to all success is to be able to stay focused on exactly what you want regardless of how long it takes, or what else is currently happening, or what temporary obstacles might be in your way. It is this single ability to stay focused, committed and always trained on the end result you want - no matter what - that will enable you to ultimately achieve any goal you can set.

So how do you stay focused on what it is you want when so much seems to be to the contrary, or your mind constantly says, "Yes, but..."?

1)   You learn to set goals, goals that help you stay focused

2)   You define your goals to something that really matters to you (emotional)

3)   Have a detailed written plan, by DAY, WEEK, MONTH & YEAR

4)   Set some affirmation on what you want (use I AM, I HAVE statements)

5)   Create a visual representation of what exactly you want, (use as many senses as possible) how it looks, how it feels, how it sounds.

6)   And then TAKE ACTION, go out and follow the plan of action.

The question from me is very simplistic in nature?

What do you focus on the most often, think about it, what do you tell yourself most often, now be honest to yourself?

What do you want, and what beliefs can you create that can become your default belief system that will counteract any negative thinking?

Follow the process & your goals will always become a reality

Or alternatively drop me an email or PM and I can guide you to that success formula.

The Power Within Coaching has helped individuals and organisations develop the unlimited mindset necessary to achieve success.

Your success is nothing more (or less) than what you envision it to be, and your determination to act in a manner consistent with that picture. If success has eluded you thus far, perhaps it's time to change your picture and try something different.

All success & failure is determined by your mindset.

The Power Within Coaching’s Self-Leadership Development programs and workshops can be design and delivered over 2, 3 or 4 days and be modified & adjusted specifically for each individual business or level of participants.

“Too soon and too often is better than too late and not enough”

SOLD: Advanced Sales & Operational Leadership Development (Mindset Accelerator Program) focusing on the Mindset & Peak Performance of success. 

Change the game in your favour!

Simply inbox me here or email me briefly detailing the hurdles and challenges you are facing. I will then happily arrange a FREE strategy call with you, after which you are free to choose the best course of action.

James Fleming

The Power Within Coaching

[email protected]

Gardner Paterson

Divisional Sales Manager

6 年

A great article James



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