The secret to success with AAT
Reed Business School

The secret to success with AAT

Jon Kemp, our AAT Program Manager, writes about how you can succeed on your AAT course.

At Reed Business School, we know that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to studying accountancy qualifications.

Students and employers both want an uncomplicated process, and as a training provider, we’re no different. A synergistic approach must be the order of the day. Whether you’re looking to self-fund your studies, be sponsored by an employer, or qualify under an apprenticeship program, there can be so many confusing options available on the market. We’re here to relieve the confusion and make the process as straight forward as possible.

Working in partnership with all parties involved, our aim is to offer a seamless pathway to success

Reed Business School is home for all of students’ accountancy needs for over 50 years. ?If you’re a student or an employer and have decided that studying an AAT course is right for you, we will offer you outstanding support during your studies.

What is it like study an accountancy qualification at Reed Business School?

We’re nestled within the heart of the stunning Cotswolds; it’s the perfect setting for success. Students nationwide have been benefitting from this rich history of experience.

Through our Level 2 and 3 AAT programs, we have already had influence on students and employers.

“I like that it’s clear and visual with a lot of diagrams, not just big chunks of words. I’m a visual learner so that works great for me. There are lots of different resources – each week there’s the basics you have to learn, then essential practice, a mini exam about that section, plus optional practice. You can also watch recordings from lectures and bite-size videos to learn and review at your own pace.” Cameron, AAT Student

“We work alongside Reed Business School’s apprenticeship work coach to ensure they develop relevant business skills and behaviours in addition to their technical knowledge. The more confident they get, the more confidence I have in them to take on more senior work.” James Pickering, MCA Business

How we run our AAT programmes is simple. We offer a unique blended learning delivery package, combining use of an award-winning virtual learning environment (VLE) from Mindful Education, alongside live interaction with our top AAT tutor team in online workshops. The VLE can be accessed from phone, tablet or computer allowing students to study at anytime, anywhere. Bite size tutorials include video lectures supported by high-quality motion graphics, case studies, and engaging animations. Our workshop sessions combine perfectly with the VLE and gives you interaction with a tutor and classmates. You’ll be able to collaborate and ask questions, boosting your motivation and helping you stay on track to achieve and succeed in your qualification.

The extras Reed Business School gives our students

Whilst the AAT syllabus is the same between all providers, the level of care and support you receive will not always be equal. Along with the most up to date learning materials and methods, Reed Business School offers pastoral support to you throughout your journey with us. Our tutors and staff are on the study journey with the you, they are dedicated to make you feel confident and succeed.

We are continually evolving how we can offer the best AAT courses. With a new program manager in place, we are kicking off with a new AAT Level 4 programme in April 2024, available for apprentices and self-funded students, and with many more exciting projects to follow, 2024 is a great year to study with Reed Business School.

Quite simply put, everything can work well when you share the same vision. The secret to success is synergy.


