The Secret Source to  ... Best Year Growth for Family + Wealth + Health (Part 1)

The Secret Source to ... Best Year Growth for Family + Wealth + Health (Part 1)

We are all “others-made”, not “self-made”. Arnold Schwarzenegger made it very clear. I agreed to him greatly on this, in additions to many others things he said.

In 2018 – The Year of Growth and Expansion

Despite the myth of many said you cannot have it all, one of my inner circle, told me that I was too young to do real estate. I believed at beginning because he is a very well respected person in my life.

But something inside me tell me, that is a great thing to be young, because it means I can stand out from the rest of the people who are doing it in their 50’s and 60’s. So, I decide that becomes my strength and it is ! (because I believe it)

Weather you think you can do it or not, you are equally right.

Year 2018 – The Year Growth for Family + Wealth + Health

1. #1 – Best selling author with Brian Tracy.

2. $500,000 USD – Raised in 2 months in equity.

3. $1.35 Millions USD & 48 units. Raised total money to buy commercial apartments

4. 62 units count as of December 2018 – property / units count

5. 48 km – Longest Distance Run for me: Completed run of full marathon.

6. 900 km – I run over 900 km for 2018 for on race + practice.

7. 7 Trips with family – Best Relationship Year ever with my family – Went to with my wife was the best and my relationship with my kid as I build my family relationship with both of them, by spending time and effort with them.

8. Best Marketing Year ever – Appear national magazine, newspaper.

9. Teacher for others – Created real estate apartment course for students who never have access to apartment education for only $1,000, which charge $10,000 normally.

10. Started my mentoring classes, offering values and time, to my inner circle for free.

and more …

Because I am “others-made”, meaning my success are because of people around me. Not because of me. So I include how I achieve these things in 2018. I know by sharing, it can helps other to achieve whatever their dream and goals are. Here they are

7 Secret to have your Best Year Ever in 2019

1. Pay your way in now, not when you have to.

In other words, invest now not when you have to. Learn now, not when you have to.

Back 2 years ago, I started to sharing of my investing knowledge even though when I wasn’t so called ready. I was not any commercial investor, I was not really a mentor, I was not really a teacher, and I was far from expert. But I started sharing, but I started teaching, I teach whatever I could, and meet whoever want to meet with me. I share my name, and my brand, what I believe.

I always believe you can start where you are, so I took actions.

I have invested in my education, branding, and marketing, over $300,000 CAD in the last years. Many would have said that is crazy, that I do that. One of my multi-millionaire mentor explained to me, she is my nice-est ever teacher, we loved her so much, we own so much of our successes to her and her husband. (Laurie and Randy Hynes). She pushed Mandy and I to start teaching, we were so lost. But one thing we do, we started standing in front of friends, and strangers, we started sharing ! At the end, Laurie, and her husband raised over $1 Million within 24 hours. I figure I just copied what the successful people do, and one day I would get that ! That was my thinking back 2 years ago.

If I did not start doing that, I would start speaking in front of crowds.

If I did not start doing that, I would have always stuck at my corners thinking that I could not speak, and I could not present.

Another thing is many of us would want to raised $500,000 funds, and start your business. Without my teachers, without my educations, without my investments of hundreds of thousands, I cannot stand in front of my investors to successfully raise the fund to achieve what I want to do. My mentor Dave Lindahl, and apartment investor who own over 8000 units of apartments, in his book and training course, said: This is one of the biggest difference in mindsets of Rich and Poor people think.

Rich people think as investors: rich people would think what the $300,000 will think of what these investment (on marketing, education, and branding) can help and turn into opportunities for them. Just like I have successfully raised $1.35 Millions this year.

Poor people think as customers: poor people would think what the $300,000 would mean as enjoyment, would bring them, like vacation, or holiday, or even thinking doing it all by themselves. One example, would be they would try to do investment their own, such as putting all investment and use downpayment of their own. The question, they need to ask is, since they did not invest in the skills, marketing, and branding effort, where they will go after the first purchase. They would have to wait, since they never spend the effort and learn the skills and education on marketing, branding, and money raising, necessary to make their business a long term and successful one.

Invest in yourself, education, training now,

so you will can do what the successful people does later.

2. Take Care of Your Family … Not when you are successful. Now !

I remember I was the kind of person, I hate going to vacation. Part of it because of when I grow up of my humble beginnings. Part of it because I don’t think I can do it now. I have this mindset call “I cannot afford it.“

You will know what I mean if you have this mindset also. Called “I cannot afford it”. To go for vacation, that is what my mind has been telling me. In 2018, with my mentor help (Sunil Tulsiani), I decided to make the changes, Sunil Tulsiani shared many times, on his marriage when he over work and neglect his family life.

How many times your wife has tell you that you have not put enough effort into the family life?

How many times your wife asked you to put more effort into the family, and still she come out of the discussion emptied hand ?

If you are like where I once were, in my back of my mind I keep thinking – “I will make up to her when I become successful” … I keep telling myself “She will be happy when I made another 5 Millions” … she will love it… At the end, isn’t it all people around you keep telling you? “You wife just happy to see your pay cheque at the end of the week”

Really ?! You believe that?

I didn’t, and I wasn’t proud of myself that I have to put my work before my family.

So, I made the changes.

She did not marry me to be a money maker (though it is important and I should just do that anyway), she marry me so she can do what she loves to do with me today.

As man, we got it all wrong, we think money solve everything. The truth is woman care about family, and relationship, after the first Millions or two, most women, would not care, if you made another big pay cheque after the first $500,000 or so.

So, I decided to make a change. I would not go thru the path of “would have” happily ever after couples, who only found that that the wife does not want all the millions and billions and big towers or nice cars.

My wife just want to have a great life with me now.

Your wife just want to have a great life with you now.

So you said, are you saying that I cannot be rich – if you want to make yourself a legacy and your significant other does not want that much ?


What I meant to you is “JUST give her what she wants”. I never felt so dumb once I figure this out.

If your wife are like mine, she told me she want to go vacation. Ok, let’s admit … that is not new. She told me couple hundreds times in last 2 years alone. It is just I never be man enough to take it to the heart.

So, redundantly, I booked and scheduled these trips in 2018.

Big and Small Vacation Trips with Mandy and family

1. Canmore (Jan 2018)

2. Edmonton Ice Castle (Feb 2018)

3. Toronto / Niagara (May 2018)

4. Las Vegas ( June 2018)

5. Vancouver (Sep 2018) – marathon trip

6. Boston Trip (Sep 2018) – work and play trip

7. Asian Trip – Hong Kong / Taiwan / China (Nov 2018)

Below are a few of the trips pictures, and we are set free, we were so happy, we were free !!!!

The word I can’t afford is just what I said I am

And that I believe in it. If you have this I can’t afford it virus, chance are, you are need to take it out. Or your life will be destroy by it. Are you ready to take it out?

Send me an email, want someone like me who overcome it to be your accountable party. Email me: [email protected]

I can help. And I want to help !!

Things to do with Mandy

Here is a list of things I do and I am very proud of myself.

Started this “surprise-Mandy” lunches and after work HH – happy hour just 2 of us.

This changed our life, and relationship, both physically and spiritually.

Surprised Mandy with flowers, probably around 5 to 8 times in 2018. Sometimes, I get flowers with a short walk to the corner grocery store (Bridgeland market) with my daughter. My daughter loves it, and Mandy adores it.

We started to have date nights, there were more probably once a month, we have date night, dropping kid to our in-laws. And we go out to have a beer, and just talk shits.

9 year anniversary trip – Mandy and I went at Las Vegas, we took plane ride.

How to get the most out of your life

Take planning and most importantly, I enjoyed it like I should be !

Enjoying a vacations used not been a thing for me, I would go for vacation, either thinking about time or money or both. Reality is we don’t lack money, and we don’t lack time.

I lacked the correct mindset to be necessary to create a successful relationship with the most important person of my life.

Thank You Sunil. If it is not for Sunil, pushing me to do this, I would have never enjoy the peace of mind of my wife supporting me on every business decision I made.



