Michelle Bethel-Gibson
“Imagine who you will become if you believe it is possible.”
Have you ever had a lightbulb moment? You know that moment that comes when you say “Aaaaah yeah I see it now.”
Well mine came after my DISC assessment. It was so accurate to who I am that I took it three times to make sure that I had properly answered all the questions and well all reports said the same thing. I am a DI.??
A Dominant Influencer I am all about Getting Results while having fun but please don’t ask me to pay attention to details I will fall short in that area every time.
So off course during a training on Communication at a Petroleum Company where the workforce is 99% men I had each person complete the DISC Assessment.? When the results came in they nodded their heads in agreement.? What happened next changed the way every Manager and Supervisor now communicate with their team.
I collected DISC assessment reports then I put them in real time situations and had them communicate with their teams during a crisis situation, “Without trying to figure out their DISC style, Just communicate the way you normally do” was my only instruction.
I could see the frustration building as each Manager and Supervisor glance over at the DISC reports wanting, desiring, needing to look at the profile of their team because each of them knew that the DISC ASSESSMENT had reveal a better way of communicating which will propel not just their departments but The company overall.
In our next exercise which was a performance evaluation exercise I gave them the DISC Assessment reports.? There was an overwhelming sense of relief in the room as each manager took a member of their team through that annual performance evaluation.??
For the great employees it was a breeze, but for the more challenging employees it took a moment.? I saw manager after manager? review the DISC profile of the team member then with confidence say to the Receptionist “Send him in”? They spoke with confidence about:
While the DISC Assessment revealed to the Managers and Supervisors their communication style as well as their Team’s communication style it also boosted their confidence as to who was that person sitting across from them at the conference Table.
The DISC Assessment took the guesswork out of Communicating to their Team for these managers and supervisors and it can do the same for you.? DISC has skyrocketed this Petroleum’s Company Performance to more than double.? To put it simply in the words of one manager “I can get more out my Team when I know who is on my Team”
If this is a goal for your company, I am at your service. Click on this link and set up a complimentary consultation call Today.