The Secret for Skeptics...

The Secret for Skeptics...


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In This Issue:

    Quotes of the Week

    The Secret for Skeptics

    Bookmark - The 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

    Inspirational Words

    Spiritual Centre

    Story Time

    Time to Smile





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"Change Gears" eZine is a no-cost electronic newsletter dedicated to helping people be more effective and fulfilled--to be masters of change instead of victims of change. What follows are tips, strategies, quotes, resources and shortcuts to getting more done in less time and having fun in the process--to living a more productive and fulfilling life. We're always on the lookout for information to help you live and work more effectively.



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Quotes of the Week

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"Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own." - Roy Bennett

"Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable." - Theodore Vail

"If today were the last day of your life, would you want to be doing what you're doing?" - Steve Jobs

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden


The Secret for Skeptics

By Diana Gardner Robinson

Many readers may be fans of Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret," whether in book or in movie form. However, I have been reading howls of indignation from various columnists who, occasionally over-simplifying, feel that there are dangers and false promises contained in the concept of the Law of Attraction.

I agree that positing the Law of Attraction as the only force operating in the world can appear to say that if anyone is ill then it can be assumed that they "attracted" their illness - which may be both false and cruel in the extreme. However, I do not see that the book says that - although perhaps it does imply it.

On the other hand, in addition to metaphysical traditions from across the ages that in recent years have been aggregated under the appellation of "new thought" or "new age," there is a great deal of psychological commonsense underlying much of what the book says.

Let us consider some of the underpinnings of the law of attraction...

First, get clear about what you want, or what your goal is. Very true! How can you reach a goal if you don't know what it is or where it is? On the other hand, if you have it strongly and clearly visualized then it is much easier to hold that vision in your mind, to select images for your dream board that will exactly show your dream, and to program your senses towards it.

What do I mean by "program your senses towards it"? I mean two things. First, if you program your mind toward something so that you are reminded of it regularly, then you are less likely to allow yourself to be distracted from the path that leads most directly toward it. It will remain one of the highest priorities in your consciousness.

Secondly, I mean that if you know exactly what you want, then you will NOTICE everything and anything that is relevant to it. One old example is the "count everything that is red" exercise. One asks people to count everything within sight that is red. Then one asks them to say, immediately, without counting, how many things they saw that are blue. Even though they looked all the way around while counting the red things, and hence must have at least scanned past the blue things, the brain was not primed for blue, but for red, and hence it failed to notice the blue.

There is a similar example in cars. Say you buy a new and different model of car, or that your friend buys one. The make, model, and color may not be particularly familiar to you, but from that day onwards you will notice any that are the same, and even some that are the same model but a different color. You may be shocked to discover that a car that you thought to be not particularly common is suddenly to be seen at almost every intersection. Why? It is not (usually) that the model has suddenly had a surge in popularity, but that your senses are now primed to notice it whereas previously it meant nothing to you, and so raised no "awareness flags" when you scanned past it.

Likewise, if you focus on a particular goal - let's say every evening and every morning, and perhaps a few times during the day as well - then your senses will be primed to notice anything and everything related to that goal. This may result in your being better prepared when an opportunity to move closer to it arrives. It may result in your noticing those opportunities with more alertness. It may result in your reading an entire article on the topic, instead of skimming over the headlines, so that you learn more about the players involved, or the websites where you can learn yet more.

Yes, it is true that one can also "ask" for the goal, as is recommended in The Secret. To many people, this is a normal aspect of prayer. As my mother used to say, "Pray as if it all depends God." But - ahah! - she had a second part to that admonition. "And then work as if it all depends on you." I see less of the admonition to work in The Secret. Yet I believe that if we truly want something, if we are really, really motivated to get it, then it would be more difficult NOT to work toward it than to follow our natural urge toward reaching it.

The third of the three steps is Receive. Those who believe that all their achievements are their own doing may prefer to call that "achieve" or "attain." However, there is a small glitch to that approach. No matter how hard we have worked for something, if we are not taking the metaphysical approach to which The Secret is related, then we see each achievement as something that WE did for ourselves. Hence there is no apparent need for gratitude. Yet gratitude seems to relate to another "law" that usually works. Being grateful for what comes to us, by our own hard work or as a gift from the universe, seems to be an essential aspect of happiness. How many people who loudly and insistently proclaim that they are "self-made" actually seem happy? Some of them HAVE lots of THINGS. But are they happy? I have my doubts.

Having gratitude for something, whether it is a meal that is set before us, a new job, a new relationship, whatever we have been hoping for, allows us to savor it. A wine-taster swirls the wine around the glass, inhales its vapors, and finally allows it to linger gently over all parts of the tongue, so that each taste-bud can savor the flavor for which it is designed. This is a far cry from the swift gulp with which many people dispatch even the finest of wines. Holding an attained goal in gratitude achieves a similar enhancement of good feelings. Perhaps we do not enjoy it by looking, smelling and tasting it, but in our minds we have a similar gentle savoring and appreciation of all aspects of it as we hold them in grateful awareness, as though actually holding it up for the scrutiny of Whatever or Whoever we express gratitude to. "Look," we seem to be saying, "how wonderful it is, how splendid, this achievement. We did it together, and I thank you!" Somehow, this small ritual can enhance our enjoyment of almost anything, and opens the channel for more. It does not lessen our pleasure, as though making us feel that we did not do it ourselves, but it magnifies the value so that our pleasure in it grows greater.

Whether or not you enjoy The Secret, the process of visualizing the goal, asking for and working toward it, and expressing gratitude for it cannot help but enrich our lives.


Bookmark - The 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

Author: Brian Tracy

Price: Rs.113/-

This exciting book provides a practical step-by-step formula to become a millionaire, starting from wherever you are today. Successful people are simply those who practice these 21 Success Secrets. And so can you. Fulfill all your financial dreams with The 21 Success Secrets of self-made Millionaires.

Compulsory Read - by Sharan

Amazing book on the qualities, character and behaviour of successful people which if incorporated by you, will make you also successful. My favourite line " Success is predictable". This should be the first book you should start with, if you are new to the reading world. This book is not a tool for success, it's just guide. It takes hell lot of things to become millionaire but first step is to know which things. Loved the book.

Indispensable Success Sutra of Self Made Millionaires - by Adithya Prakash

The book has only 80 pages and I first realize that what information does Brain wants to tell in just 80 pages and the pages are too less for a book. But after reading this book I realized that it’s easy to present information in a complex way but only a genius is required to simplify things and present it in a crisp format.


Inspirational Words

"Being tolerant does not mean that I share another one's belief. But it does mean that I acknowledge another one's right to believe, and obey, his own conscience." - Viktor Frankl

"Never prove people right. Never prove them wrong. Prove instead that you make your own path in life." - Katina Ferguson

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

"Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas; he must burst it open." - Albert Einstein

"The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow." - Seth Godin

"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." - Henry Ford

"I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up." - Beverly Sills

"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers." - Robert Quillen


Spiritual Centre - Teaching

Teaching is a matter of love. To me it is a love affair where we adopt children and treat them as our own and try to pass on to them whatever we can, wisely, knowing their shortcomings as children, knowing the difficulties that we ourselves faced when we stumbled in our various tasks and subjects, so that you have an understanding of what the child is likely to face.

(C) Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel - President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission -


Story Time - Tenali Ramakrishna and Cats

Long long ago there was a clever man called Tenali Ramakrishna. He was minister to a great king called Krishna Raya. Once in that city there was lot of problems due to rats. They were eating all sorts of books and papers. They also used to make holes in wooden shelves and also eat rice. Sometimes they even nibbled the ears of little clever girls. Everybody knows that Cats Kill rats. But there were so many rats in the city but very few cats. So the king asked every house in the city to grow cats. But cats need milk to drink. Most of the houses did not have cows. So the king gave cows to every house and asked them to grow them too. All people were happy and used to give cats lot of milk to drink.

Tenali Ramakrishna was a clever man. He decided not to give milk to cat. So the first day he boiled the milk and poured it in a pan. He gave the piping hot milk to the cat. The cat, which was hungry came and sipped the milk from the pan. Since the milk was hot it burnt its mouth. The cat ran away. The next day and the next Tenali Ramakrishna did the same thing. After a few days he stopped giving milk to the cat and started drinking it himself.

Tenali Ramakrishna’s cat was hungry and all other cats were fat and happy. One day the king wanted to see all the cats given by him and give prize to the fat cat. He was very angry with Tenali Ramakrishna for not growing his cat properly. Then Tenali Ramakrishna told the king that he was not lucky since his cat did not drink any milk. The king wanted to put Tenali Ramakrishna in Jail for telling a lie and wanted him to prove what he said.

Then Tenali Ramakrishna brought the pan of milk and his cat. The cat on seeing the milk ran away. It thought that it was being given again hot milk. The king pitied Tenali Ramakrishna and let him away. The clever Tenali Ramakrishna lived happily forever drinking lots and lots of milk.


Time to Smile - Life is Like That


It was mealtime during an airline flight.

"Would you like dinner?" the flight attendant asked John, seated in front.

"What are my choices?" John asked.

"Yes or no," she replied.



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Kamal Tewari

Retired at Govt

8 年

very nice sir ,pranam.


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