The secret to scaling your e-commerce brand in a tier-2 city.
Monkeyminds (YD Advertising Services Pvt. Ltd.)
Digital Marketing Experts
Let’s simplify this down by asking one very important albeit, overused question?
Who is my customer?
Let’s list their behavior to understand them better.
-?When buying a phone, he’d research a lot about finding the lowest possible budget buy without compromising on a great camera and fast processor.
He will outright reject lengthy blogs and articles. What he'd prefer? A short video outlining the pros and cons of the product.?
-?A discount as low as Rs 10 matters to him too.
Takeaway - Price matters a lot to him. So does the simplicity and relevance of the message delivered through a marketing channel about the product.?
-?A customer from a Tier 2 city is the kind that might get bored watching a phone review from a famous YouTuber speaking in English. They are more likely to ask around about what their mates are buying.
-?There are more chances of them watching the content that they relate to, especially in their own local language.
Takeaway –The content absorption wavelength of a Tier ? city customer is lesser than that of a cosmopolitan audience.?
What might we learn from this insight?
The customer we are targeting would love a buy 1 get 3 free offer.
And if they get a notification of the same on their phone in their local tongue, they'll love it even more. What won’t entice them?
Sophistication. Nuanced ads.?
Do you get the gist??
It’s simple. Step into their shoes, peep into their wallets and see through their eyes.
It’s not that tough to crack.
MonkeyMinds is a 360-degree one-stop solution to all your marketing needs. From offline shoots to informative blogs, performance marketing on Google and Facebook, Video creation and Instagram ads to buzz campaigns, we do it all.