This is the secret to scaling your business with heart

This is the secret to scaling your business with heart

OK, so you know you want to scale your business, earn more and have more time off, but your clients think they need you, and only you.

In fact, you are not sure they can get results without you being the one to deliver the work, yes?

So, what do you do?

You started your business by working directly with individual clients because you love having a personal connection with each of them.

But if you want to scale exponentially to serve more people (perhaps reach multiple 6 figures or even 7 figures, with your freedom back), there will come a time when you have to serve many more people – hundreds – to earn much more.

That means you just can’t spend the same amount of time with everyone. And that makes you nervous because you’re afraid they won’t want “it” if it doesn’t include your personal touch.

So how do you maintain that loving, personal touch you are known for AND serve many more?

Systems that deliver the same kind of warmth, just without you being the one to generate that warmth.

You may be thinking, “But Fabienne, systems are so impersonal, I don’t want to become so corporate! Won’t people leave if they can’t work directly with me in the same way?!” Just know that this fear is normal – but unfounded.

Many of our members had the same anxiety that if things are too systematized, their business will lose its ‘special sauce’ – that personal touch people love so much about you.

But with the right systems and a little creativity, as I teach in our signature program, you can create a repeatable, loving, high touch experience for everyone you work with.

Keeping in mind that making clients feel special is an important part of keeping them (and generating referrals), know that every emotional experience can be systematized in some way.

How, exactly, do you make someone feel loved with systems?

You can create repeatable processes that can be automated or delegated to replace some of the personal things you are currently doing now to make clients feel extra special. The key is that the feeling is there, but you’re not the one doing it all.

For example, I used to select a personalized book for a birthday gift for each member and have it delivered with a handwritten note from me. With dozens of clients, that was feasible. But when I grew the business to hundreds of wonderful clients, I fell behind and it didn’t feel that special anymore…so?I became overwhelmed and didn’t look forward to doing it.

So we created a system where we have one book for a whole year (a designated birthday book or “gift of the year”, if you will) that goes to every member, and at the end of December, I write the note. My team takes care of everything else throughout the year.

We have systems for new member gifts and member birthdays, personalized messages on our products, and even for our team members – to make them feel loved, appreciated and special.

You can do this too.

This allows me, in this high-tech world, to take every opportunity to give my undivided attention to each of our members during our regular calls and meetings, because everything else is taken care of.

Recreating this feeling of closeness and making people feel significant – using systems, so you spend less time in the details – makes it possible for you to work with many more people.

This is only one of the hundreds of different little things you can put in place that allows you to scale your business effectively, with a personal touch, and without worry.

If you dream of scaling your business to serve many more, but feel anxious about losing the personal touch, just know there are many solutions for this.

We are here to help you implement all these things so you can scale your business rapidly…while working less.

With our help, you can leverage every aspect of your business within a 24-month period, scaling it from 10K a month to 20K, 50K or 100K a month, while removing you from the day-to-day operations. This is how you get your evenings, weekends and freedom back.

Is that something you dream about? Are you just a bit curious about how it works? Then I invite you to a free exploratory call with a Strategy Coach, so we can map out a plan to scale your business, with heart.

Book a time for us to talk now, for free; sooner rather than later.

Let’s multiply your message and help many more people,

Fabienne Fredrickson

Author of the book The Leveraged Business

Founder of Boldheart Business

P.S. Yes, this call is free, and it’s also high value. We want to hear about your business and its current challenges. We are here to listen deeply to your big dreams to help more people and actually have the quality of life you want to have, along with what you really want to be earning.

Together, on this free call, we will map out a plan to get your business working for you, while you make more, working less. There is no charge for this call, it’s our way of getting to know you better, and our way to provide you “results in advance”, so you can feel trust with us.

Could this be the sign you’ve been asking for? Be bold. Book your free strategy call now so we can map out a plan for you:

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