Secret sauce for successful Analytics
The past few years have shown us very clearly that the way we have lived in the past will not provide solutions for the future. There is an urgent need to make a radical shift in our thinking and actions. Whether it is to address the climate crisis, build better companies or build better practices, systems and frameworks for governance - even right up to more ethical investing practices, the world is waking up to the fact that things need an overhaul.
As companies and individuals are working hard to build solutions for the future, newer ways of thinking such as “design thinking” and “systems thinking” have made their way into offices and meeting rooms in order to provide this clarity.
What is the role of Analytics?
Analytics can help serve an important purpose here - by acting as the Central Nervous System that integrates the different moving parts of the organization, business or change management initiatives.?
How can Analytics play this role and be successful?
Build your Analytics solution for speed, scale, flexibility and efficiency.
Speed : How quickly can the user get the required information
Scale : Ability of the solution to expand or contract
Flexible : Add or remove features / information with minimal effort
Efficient : Good balance of effort and returns?
We must remember that in the fast-paced world that we live in, we cannot do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and hope to be in tomorrow’s business. Solutions that are not adaptable to change stand the risk of being outdated even before launch.
Demystifying analytics and making it useful, easy to understand and approachable for all stakeholders will play a massive role in helping transform companies to become future focused, socially responsible and profitable enterprises that adapt to change and stand the test of time.
This is just one of the sauces for successful Analytics and there are many more.? If you are interested to know all of those, please read the book “Analytics Demystified” -